(no subject)

Jan 10, 2010 12:25

I just wanted to start this off by apologizing to everyone. This isn't the first time I've been brain-washed. I'm just glad I didn't hurt anyone, ... besides Yorick. Sorry, Yorick. Sorry if I worried you any of you guys. Or said something stupid.

I'd also like to give a special apology to Donna for embarrassing her. If anyone's got any ideas for me to make up it up to her, I'm open to them. Uh, I meant PG ideas, by the way. PG-13 at most.

Still trying to wrap my head around what happened, but it's definitely a big reality check. I used to think the people in town were products of the castle, still worth protecting, but not quite ... real, you know? A girl I met in town has a journal that's the exact same as ours. A good chunk of us suddenly turned into mindless-drones over night and started making lives in town way too fast. Our past, our relationships... they just faded into the background. I don't know what all of this means, but if those people down there need our help, I fully plan on helping them in any way I can.


I'm so sorry, dude. How's your nose doing? How did my girlfriend get a hold of you, anyway?!


All of you vultures who came swooping in to swarm around my girlfriend as soon as they got the chance? You can go back to the perches you came from. The guy who got engaged to some town-girl and dumped Donna over the journals wasn't me, obviously. ... Well, it was, but it wasn't my fault. But I plan on breaking the news to Rosalyn, don't worry!

[Claire Bennet's friends]

It's Claire's birthday tomorrow. It's short notice, but the least everyone can do is wish her a good one.

If you didn't already know, you didn't hear it from me!

[/Claire Bennet's friends]

kyle rayner

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