
Dec 01, 2009 00:14

[Well, despite all the ANGST and DRAMA from earlier today, York is...actually feeling okay.

Not great. Okay. But that's better than he'd expected. And he and Tex have something to share.]

So we got snow falling and people popping up like daisies. Everyone who's new! Hi. I'm Freelancer York, and you're in Paradisa. It's a space-time anomaly pocket dimension, or at least that's what my AI tells me.

And since Delta probably has more brains than most people here put together? We're willing to trust him. I'm Freelancer Tex, and just like most of you noobs, I really don't want to be here. So you're not alone there.

If you ask other people, they'll tell you it's a magic castle, which I don't buy. But there's a couple things you should know. First of all, there's no way home until it decides to send you back. Sorry.

Second? The castle hates you. The nice room and good food might seem like an upgrade now, but once you turn into something for a week or have to fight zombies? You'll understand.

And while we're hoping we won't all get snowed in and then attacked by rabid reindeer, I'm not putting any money on it. We're not kidding. Weird things can happen here, whether it's zombies or dinosaurs or your next-door neighbor suddenly being handcuffed to you. Hell, you could even turn into a cat. We call these "temporary losses".

That's the polite thing to call them, anyway. The point is, this magic castle crap just gets worse. So if stuff starts looking a little weird, or even just festive? Start loading up on ammo.

Which is actually easier than you might think. See, you can get stuff just by asking for it. Nothing too destructive, now, and sometimes it's picky, but if you want a sandwich? Just ask for a sandwich and it'll appear. Crazy, huh?

But handy. Or, if you don't want to mess around with castle magic, there's a kitchen on the first floor. Try to not set anything on fire. Or anybod... ...most people.

And if you don't know how to use a microwave, do us all a favor and leave it alone. Oh, and these journals we're talking through? Everyone can see or hear what you write or talk into them unless you use a filter. So yeah, that means we got about twenty "OH MAN WHERE AM I?" panics tonight.

For those of you who're still panicking? That means write 'room filter' until you're done. Listening to it gets a little old after awhile. And if you're bored, you can look through your journal and see what crap people forgot to filter. It'll probably be educational.

Not to mention we get tired of repeating the same things over and over again, which is why I'm getting it all out of my system right now. So the last thing?

You've lost something. Object, memory, skill or ability, it's gone and you aren't getting it back. The only upside is that everyone else here has a permanent loss, too, so we're all in the same boat.

The short version there? Cry more, noob. You're not the only one putting up with it. And if you haven't figured out what your loss is yet? Just wait. It'll probably come at the worst time possible.

Welcome to Paradisa, kids. This is Freelancer York, signing out.

Don't do anything stupid. Freelancer Tex, signing out.

tex, delta, freelancer york

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