Drabble Series #5

Sep 17, 2011 00:11

Dedicated to ohmygeng. Happy Birthday! :)

Title: Wake Me Up
Pairing: Siwon/Kibum
Genre: Friendship/Slight! Crack
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me.
Wordcount: 702
Summary: The mystery of the perfect gentleman and his bad boy friend.
A/N: For the prompt "Morning Call".

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p: yesung/sungmin, g: romance, c: kibum, l: drabble, g: crack, c: siwon, g: friendship, g: supernatural, c: sungmin, c: yesung, p: siwon/kibum

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Comments 13

paradigm_twist September 16 2011, 16:25:52 UTC

paradigm_twist September 16 2011, 16:26:10 UTC
kendayawind September 16 2011, 22:23:40 UTC
Siwon-coupleness, I must grow used to. But otherwise awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :D Sometimes there are those couples you want to interrogate and wonder how they ended up together, but sometimes it's just so obvious too that a question seems abrupt.


Beautiful, I think that's my favorite drabble so far.

My love for opposites attract demonstrates itself even today <3 SUPERNATURAL TOO NO LESS! Genre-favoritism showing loudly!

Also. Even though it says Slight!Romance, all I saw was pure romance <3 I could picture everything of their relationship in my head, and while they may be resistant to it initially, I hope they continue to come together >< I shall take nothing less!


I. Am. LOVING. IT! (Sounding like a McDonald's commercial.)



paradigm_twist September 18 2011, 13:23:46 UTC
I am learning to expand Siwon's horizon LOL The inspiration is partly taken from life. I have one that I always wondered about like that ^^

It was a stroke of coincidence? Wanted to write a drabble so I kept that in mind as I wrote. I'm glad its your favourite one so far ^^ Supernatural are the best \o/ They shall. Because they both have a piece of each other in it. Romance <3 :D

LOL Haven't had a McD in ages \o/ for healthy living ;)



paradigm_twist September 16 2011, 16:26:24 UTC

(The comment has been removed)

ohmygeng September 17 2011, 18:16:30 UTC

... )


paradigm_twist September 18 2011, 13:27:08 UTC
LOL Word play is a play on words like puns. I think word count is the word you're looking for ^^ I am happy I managed to keep to drabbles :D

What? Morning calls isn't silly. It's cute. But I had a little trouble with it at first. Wrote itself while I was in the shower and thinking about a conversation I had with my best friend xD

HAHA Because mean! Kibum is cute. Unable to express his feelings the poor man xD

\o/ You thought it was awesome! I thought it was cliche and overused OTL



paradigm_twist September 16 2011, 16:26:51 UTC
ohmygeng Happy birthday! <3


ohmygeng September 17 2011, 17:45:04 UTC

... )


paradigm_twist September 18 2011, 13:37:31 UTC
GIF spam! Love them GIF spam xD

I LABU YOU TOO. Stupid LJ only notified me 2 days before and my first day was towards midnight already. I tried to not make it seemed rushed > >

IKR? Until you mentioned it, I never actually thought about how rare Sibum is. I wrote them! Cross that off my list now if you please ;)

I'm serious. Sometimes I think I watch Siwon just so I can laugh at his epic expression with the Shibrows xD Because Bummie is just mean like that LMAO

DO IT. I so want to read them bickering with each other about what kinds of firearms are the best to blow someone's brains out 8D *gets bricked*

I'm really happy you love Yemin. I was worried it would be cliche and overused ;A; Dude. Yesung could do it and I wouldn't even blinked because he is that captivating when he's destroying things 8DD

Aww... I'm ecstatic that you love them! My birthday gift to you ^^



ohmygeng September 20 2011, 03:54:32 UTC
LOL. It's alright~ ^^

I always assumed SiBum was like you know, the 'canon' pairing? XD Yay! *crosses out on list*

I think the variety shows cameramen have learned by now, because there's almost always a bit with Shibrows on full show. 8D

And I think I shall. XD Except not all of them are army specialists. I mean, yeah, they're serving in the army but in different fields of expertise. >.< ...Well, that's just gory. D:

Of course I love them LMAO and of course I love your version of them as well! ^^ I would be gaping at him for a few minutes and then I would prod Sungmin into action. ;~; SAVE THEM ROMAN ARCHITECTURE!!!

Aww, thank you so much Sook Kwan! ♥


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