Title: Because Shivers Goes Down the Spine and Not Up
Pairing: Heechul-centric
Genre: Angst/Comfort/Hurt
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me.
Wordcount: 1247
Summary: A shiver down the spine could mean so much.
A/N: Belated birthday gift to the ever amazing Heechul. Because you are the man <3 Also, for
100 SJ Fic Challenge (
A shiver down the spine. )
Comments 23
I could've SWORE I wrote a comment to this...
Darn it LJ!
-Back to commenting-
I still found that person who commented on them as really rude, you don't look at hungry kids/teenagers/anyone and say such a thing. And I don't doubt thoughts like these occurred in any of them, much less Heechul who despite his attitude, you just know when he's in pain. Sometimes you just want to show how angry/upset/sad you are and acting as if it didn't affect you is too much of a lie.
In all though, why comfort fics SK ;A; Ryeowook I want to hug, and though I think hugging Heechul may kill me, I want to offer friendship just the same <3 And I hope Heechul reaches out to those beside him who do care for him, and I know they do :) Even if some fail at it (coughs* Yesung, coughs* Donghae coughs*) and Siwon... lol ( ... )
They're just snobs basically. It'd be interesting to see when it happens to them one day. Seriously. Karma would be fantastic.
Nah. Heechul is a softie inside. I'm sure it's all complain but all love in a hug xD Siwon OMG. YES 8D
The beauty of having so many nice members around you. You're never alone to feel sad for long <3
He is not Kim Heechul for nothing ;)
(The comment has been removed)
HAHAHA. That's just my bias showing up. I miss Kyuchul. I need some Kyuchul. I hope to get some from 5 jib :DDDD Because these two are just awesome that way. Words for swords xD
<3 Love you too
Thanks for taking time to read and comment! ^^
I actually felt kinda sorry for Jungmo playing all those instruments while Heechul was just chillin' with his harem XD
LMAO That's what I thought too. Why does Heechul get to have all the fun by himself? xD
Thanks for taking time to read and comment! <3
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