Title: Shadow Rendezvous
Pairing: Kibum/Sungmin, Friendship! Kibum/Donghae, Friendship! Eunhyuk/Sungmin
Genre: Angst
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me.
Wordcount: 240
Summary: Where feelings has been left to the shadows.
A/N: For
kendayawind Holidays aren't meant to be busy.
In a way, they were like two peas in a pod. )
Comments 17
I really really love your descriptions of their personalities <3 you have your own special way with words. :) again, i'm saying thank you to myself for forcing you to start writing. LMAO. Look at all these wonderful fics! I'm a proud mummy ^^
Hey I just read this, and this is crazyyy, but here's an idea, so write a novel, maybe? X)
^^ I try. There are still people who has a better way with words than I do. Ya la. Go be proud xD
YES FOR THE SEQUEL!!!!!━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!! I do not mind the length~ Make it as a long as you want :)
But you're enjoying the holidays at least ^^ Make the most of it while you can~ Summer should never end ;A; Meanwhile, don't let the half fics mock you >o *kick them back*
Can't wait for it and loved this drabble :) Short and kiminness~ Awesome as always~
Nyx ;)
If I make it long, I fear it shall never see the light of the day D: But I have a few ideas in mind. Just need to get that Haemin out of the way~ It's like taking 4 weeks (and counting) too long > >
I feel so bad. I need to get around editing yours as well. I should have more time but somehow it's been like D:
xD I know how that feels, my one-shot is becoming a three part ;-; And sok ^^ I know how it feels to have the holidays whisked around~ Have fun~! :D
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I read a few. There's a couple by lady_hanaka that's really really really good. Read them when you can ^^
<3 Angst is good yes? ;)
YES. HAHA. It's how I get to that happy ending that shall be interesting ;)
Saw it. Replying as we speak :D
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This is lovely; thank you for writing it. ♥
Thank you for commenting! <3
PS love your icon!
No problem, bb ;D Thank you~ ♥
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ROFL love the GIF :D I'll try not to disappoint~
Thanks for taking time to read and comment! <3
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