Title: Defying Physics
Pairing: Heechul/Yesung
Genre: Friendship, Slight! Romance, Hint! Angst
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me.
Wordcount: 304
Summary: The real reasons behind HanChul and YeWook.
A/N: For
100 SJ Fic Challenge (
There was a reason why HanChul and YeWook exist. )
Comments 35
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They really should <3
Thanks for taking time to read and comment! ^^
I love how you wrote it, with the short sentences and the contrasting. It's really well written, you have a way with words. You can make them all poetic and beautiful and shizz <3 :)
Aww.. You flatter me too much *hugs* I hope this means your exams the past week have been alright ^^
Thank you for taking time to read and comment! ^^
Also I'm working on a Haemin fic now. Do you want me to save you a spot? <3
I only speak the truth! My exams... hehe. Well I got really good in my Biology exam, and horrendously bad in my Maths exam. So it cancels eachother out I guess?
No problem. :D
and asdfghjkl do you even have to ask <3
*hugs* That's good news. I'm starting mine tomorrow D: Cramming. Ah. The life of a student 8D how many more papers do you have left? 3?
Well, it's always good to be safe :) It isn't a one-shot. Or two. It's long @.@
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