Title: The Colour of Your Charms
Pairing: Henry/Donghae, ninja! Hangeng/Kyuhyun
Genre: Crack/ Fluff/ Slight! Romance
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me.
Summary: Because shopping for couple rings can be a dramatic affair.
amalious's request fic. It's different from what you had in mind though. Still I hope you like it ^^
Hangeng grimaced. Just exactly how did he ended up being drag along to this shopping trip with the two of them was beyond him. )
Comments 13
HENHAE!!!! OTP ;A; The fact that's it all fluffy and *spazzes* Such a cute couple <3 Also, I say screw those dumb fans. They don't know a good thing that's offered ^^ And Henry's violin is far from emotionless~ :)
Bluebirds of Happiness, *grabs them and holds on tightly* Hankyung may want to buy a pair, but hold off, those games get expensive ;)
Still your OTP then? ^^ At least I had an excuse to write them this time :D Those people don't know how to appreciate things. We can just all ignore them \o/ Henry's violin has a mind of its own when he plays it <3
But it might be a good bribe to calm down Kyuhyun and cut down on the game shopping xD
Definitely is ;) For me it'd be food xD
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HAHA I found the ranting endearing. That's how me and my best friend argue xD Foreign boyfriends are hot xD
All my references. I was listening to the 5th album when I was writing to stay awake LMAO
Oh god Amal. You noticed how all my favourites just seemed to write themselves into something somewhere? > > But who can blame them? They are just very demanding people
IKR? Feel like hunting for a necklance pendant like that one now :/
Glad you liked it :)
Thanks for taking time to read and comment! ^^
Nut ngaaw, this was so cute :D WHY ARE ALL YOUR STORIES SO FLUFFEH!
"Remember that ginormous band with the incomprehensible amount of people? Remember when they had foreign members joining their ranks? Remember what those insane fans did to said foreign members? Remember what the colour of the fanclub was? Last time I checked, I'm the foreigner in this relationship. So no thank you." Henry shot back.
Aaw, Henry is so subtle ;P Sometimes I wonder if he does resent ELFs though :/ I mean, if I were him I'd definitely resent them Dx
And seriously, Kyuhyun is always such a gamer bore every time he makes a cameo. It amuses me greatly.
Cutest HenHae story every :D
I HAVE TO QUIT WRITING FLUFF. I feel like I'm losing my angst touch ;A; If only people stop getting me to write fluff > >
Subtlety is Henry's strongest suit 8D I think at some point he probably did. Back then anyway. Not sure about now though :/
Because I can imagine Kyuhyun being bored when it's not about him *bricks self*
Glad you liked it. Was a refreshing change after my streak of character-centric fics ^^
Glad to see you back <3
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