Title: A Requiem Unfinished Rating: R (language) Characters: Sayid, Hurley, ensemble (minor) Disclaimer: JJ Abrams, Bad Robot, etc own Lost and all its characters. Woe is me.
Being a vehement Charlie/Claire shipper, I think I've read almost too many fics focusing on those two characters so this was very refreshing for me - not only were they characters I don't read often, but the interaction between them hasn't really been explored through the show (to any great extent) and I think you did a brilliant job. Also, the fic itself was just generally very good and very well written. The fact that it was a Christmas fic and it was also angsty was lovely, there are so many super-super-sweet fluffy Christmas fics out there that to see something as real as this, where not everybody is enjoying the festivities and there's conflict was just completely awesome.
From one fanfiction author to another, I salute you. Excellent work.
Thank you so very much! I'm really glad the interaction worked for you. I usually prefer just plain dark and creepy to angst, but the premise in this case - Sayid grieving months after Shannon's death, called for a wee bit of it. Though personally I don't think Sayid would let himself get tangled up in grief for so long, I tried to write it in a way that would reflect him if he had. In that regard, I'm quite happy that you thought it was effective.
Comments 6
(And don't worry about the delay -- I'm putting the finishing touches on mine right now!)
I'm really glad you liked it. Happy Holidays!
Fantastic job. :)
Being a vehement Charlie/Claire shipper, I think I've read almost too many fics focusing on those two characters so this was very refreshing for me - not only were they characters I don't read often, but the interaction between them hasn't really been explored through the show (to any great extent) and I think you did a brilliant job. Also, the fic itself was just generally very good and very well written. The fact that it was a Christmas fic and it was also angsty was lovely, there are so many super-super-sweet fluffy Christmas fics out there that to see something as real as this, where not everybody is enjoying the festivities and there's conflict was just completely awesome.
From one fanfiction author to another, I salute you. Excellent work.
Thanks again! :)
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