Title: Shadow Rendezvous
Pairing: Kibum/Sungmin, Friendship! Kibum/Donghae, Friendship! Eunhyuk/Sungmin
Genre: Angst
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me.
Wordcount: 240
Summary: Where feelings has been left to the shadows.
A/N: For
kendayawind Holidays aren't meant to be busy.
In a way, they were like two peas in a pod.
Both were quiet and unassuming; mesmerizing everyone with their unruffled demeanor, drawing them in like moths to a teasing dancing flame.
Both were deceptive warriors. Quick to defend and protect, ready with a biting comeback hidden beneath pearly whites that served to dazzle and blind. Muscles rippling beneath layers of fabric, giving a tantalizing hint of the strength and steel-core will that was rarely ever shown.
But things never happened the way it should.
Rather than walking on the same path as Sungmin, Kibum was tugged towards Donghae, a person who was right there from the beginning, arms wide opened with a radiant smile and sunshine warm hugs.
Sungmin, on the other hand, had bonded with Hyukjae. A bond forged between two kindred souls in the deepest of forges; hearts filled with hidden depths and emotions, never fully expressed or revealed, but shown in the little motions that most people would have taken for granted.
It took a little twist here and a turn there for their paths to cross. But even under the limelight of stardom and success, their tacit understanding of each other has been ripped at the seams, unravelled thread by thread along the way.
The only thing that remained were their shadows. Dancing shadows, born under the lights, mingled. A reflection of unvoiced thoughts always skirting each other, always brushing past but never fully intertwined.
A/N: So just a quick drabble as prove that I'm still alive and kicking. Holidays been busy so a drabble is all I can come up with. Half done fics littering around, mocking me =.=
Also, to anyone who has read this
two-shots, good news! There will be a sequel. But it's going to take a while before it gets posted because I'm working on this other long fic that I started unintentionally. My estimate for the sequel is about 3-4 chapters maybe? Hopefully. I have a tendency to write longer than I planned > > So I'll start working on this as soon as I finish the other long fic ^^
Happy holidays everyone!