Drabble Series #2

May 16, 2011 21:03

Title: An Exception
Pairing: Yesung/Donghae
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me.
Wordcount: 136
Summary: It took the rain to remind him why he makes the exceptions the way he does.
A/N: For the prompt “Umbrella”

He wondered why he always made an exception when it comes to him.

Take for example, the rain.

He loved the rain. But only if he was indoors and not caught it in. He always preferred to listen to the soft pitter-patter and roaring thunder from the comforts and warmth of his room.

Donghae, on the other hand, hated the rain. But he preferred to be caught in the rain. As if feeling the rain falling onto his skin brought him alive. Refreshed and renewed.

That was why whenever it rained, Yesung always found himself out in the rain, with an umbrella.

It was then that Donghae tip-toed and leaned forward, eyes closed.

Oh. This is the reason why. He thought as he let the umbrella fall, cupped his face, and returned the innocent chaste kiss.

Title: What You Mean To Me
Pairing: Hangeng/Sungmin
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me.
Wordcount: 111
Summary: When Hangeng describes what Sungmin is to him.
A/N: For the prompt "Blue".

They were sitting in comfortable silence on the sofa, Sungmin's head on Hangeng's shoulder when Hangeng spoke.

"You remind me of the colour blue."

Sungmin's head shot up and asked incredulously. "Blue?!"

Hangeng chuckled at his response.

"Yes blue. Because you're calm like the blue sea on a lazy summer day. Your heart is as big as the open blue sky on a relaxing spring afternoon. You get along well with other people just like the way blue as a basic colour blend with other colours to create more beautiful shades."

Sungmin bit back a smile as he settled his head back on Hangeng's shoulder.

"I'd still prefer being pink though."

Title: Flash That Smile at Me
Pairing: Leeteuk/Heechul
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me.
Wordcount: 53
Summary: What he reserved specially for him.
A/N: For the prompt "Smile".

He doesn't feel the green-eyed monster growling, clawing its way out just like it used to when he sees Heechul flirting.

Because he knows at the end of the day, while Heechul flashes his trademark smirk and captured the hearts of thousands, he reserved something special; unique only to him.

A genuine smile.

Title: Tagged You
Pairing: Kibum/Eunhyuk
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me.
Wordcount: 93
Summary: It's the little tags that people attached that counts.
A/N: For the prompt "Tags".

Everyone has tags attached to them. The quiet one. The introvert one. The handsome one. The smartest one. The witty one. The one with the silent temper. The almost invisible one.

None of these tags mattered to him.

It's the ones that say: The subtly romantic one. The one with the hugs and kisses. The one with the laughs and smiles. The one with the world in his eyes. The loved one. The one being loved.

The tags that Hyukjae (never Eunhyuk) gave him are the ones he carries close to his heart.


A/N: I'm quite proud of these drabbles. Mainly 'cause I rarely do fluff. And I managed to write several ones in a go. /pats self on back

Also, there were 2 more prompt words used in another series of drabbles. Will be posting those up soon.

For anyone who cares, the YeHae drabble inspired me to go looking for a picture that came as close as the one I imagined in my mind. And this is what I managed to find.

Do tell which of these you loved best and what was your favourite part. I love to hear what is your idea of a spur-of-the-moment romantic moment :3

Go here for blue_mori's drabble series. Somehow, all her drabbles seems to have Donghae in it. She says she's frustrated over his hair colour. I say I sleep better at night thinking of said gorgeous locks /bricks self.

Comments and feedback are loved! ^ ^

!challenge: monday prompts, c: hangeng, g: au, c: heechul, p: kibum/eunhyuk, c: sungmin, c: yesung, c: kibum, p: yesung/donghae, p: hangeng/sungmin, l: drabble, c: donghae, p: leeteuk/heechul, c: leeteuk, g: fluff, c: eunhyuk

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