Title: Love Just Is
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me.
Summary: When you start questioning the sincerity of love.
A/N: Dedicated to
blue_mori Happy Birthday dearie! Sorry I couldn't give you your present on time. Hope this makes up for it for the time being. Title taken from a Hilary Duff song of the same title.
A quiet afternoon.
The light breeze teasing.
Head resting comfortably on a lap.
Fingers intertwined.
A nudge.
"Will you be there if I call you in the middle of the night?"
A slight crease in the forehead.
"If you had to choose between your family and me, who would you save?"
Furrowed eyebrows.
A tug of the sleeves.
"Will you be there to catch me when I fall?"
Flashes of disbelief reflected in the eyes of an otherwise stoic face.
"Why do you love me?"
"I don't know."
Arms and legs crossed. Intense stare. Insecurity digging sharply into the heart and soul.
"Hyung. If your answer is negative to everything, then why are we even dating?" He cried once he sat up.
He reached out and enveloped the younger one in a hug. He ran his fingers through his hair, leaned in and whispered softly.
"I won't be there when you call me in the middle of the night. Because I'll be holding you close to me at night."
"I would save family. Because YOU are my family."
"I won't catch you when you fall. Because I'm going to hold your hands and make sure you'll never have any reason to."
"I don't know why I love you. There are no reasons. I just do."
"And we're dating because that's what people in love do when they are on their way to living out their forever after."
"Love just is Kyuhyunnie. And I love you."
A soft chaste kiss under the warm late afternoon sun. On the forehead. On the nose. On the lips.
Sealed with the promises of forever and a day.
A/N: Ok. Inspiration on this? No idea. But erm. Hope you guys like it. Fluff is still a relatively new thing to me. Plus, there's a reason why people use clichés all the time ;)
And we all need a vulnerable Kyu every once in a while :)
Comments and feedback are loved. ^ ^