
Oct 02, 2008 16:08

Basic Stuff
Name: Natalie. Or Natasha. Whatever you want!
Age: Fifteen.
Sex (not the recreational kind): Female.

Your Personality
How would you describe yourself? I like to help others very much, though I can complaint before doing anything. I'm very lively and cheerful if you get to know me. I've never meant to brag, but I can call myself a smart person. Just not in the school subjects way (excluding languages, I'm close to perfect in it). Though I can understand anything even in my hated subjects. I can cheer up with just a single smile. Also quality from the same category: I always try not to do things that can disappoint someone (unless it's beating my stupid classmate). I dislike quarrels, and I'm always trying to prevent them. Kind-hearted... much? I have an excellent behavior at school (i.e. I'm polite), teachers love me for that xD I treasure my friends and losing them is like dying to me, if something like this happens I do my best to bring them back. I'm very touchy. Anyone can hurt my feelings, and sometimes I can't do anything about my overflowing anger. I can cry or sream when I dislike anything (hah, only with my friends & family). When I want to do it in front of other people I try to be conservative and just calm down. I'm kind of characterless. I always need someone's help and appreciation. My family blame me for the lack of independence pretty often ^^; Because of this, I'm quite shy sometimes. And I express my shyness in a weird way: I'm trying to act 'cool & cold & uncaring'. I don't know why I do that though, it's definitely not my character, because I'm impulsive and do care about a whole bunch of things ^^;; Maybe I'm just afraid of people disliking me for my hyper (okay... not hyper, let's say talkative!) personality? I can totally call myself a hypocrite. Usually I say one thing and think another. It is because I don't want anyone (including me) to be hurt because of my honest words. I'm quite stubborn. If I really want something, I get it. I love sarcasm. I like to help others very much, though I can complaint before doing anything. I'm very lively and cheerful if you get to know me. I've never meant to brag, but I can call myself a smart person. Just not in the school subjects way (excluding languages, I'm close to perfect in it). Though I can understand anything even in my hated subjects. I can cheer up with just a single smile. Also quality from the same category: I always try not to do things that can disappoint someone (unless it's beating my stupid classmate). I dislike quarrels, and I'm always trying to prevent them. Kind-hearted... much? I have an excellent behavior at school (i.e. I'm polite), teachers love me for that xD I treasure my friends and losing them is like dying to me, if something like this happens I do my best to bring them back.
How would others describe you? I think they'd agree on what I just said. Plus they think that I'm very cute and my smile is win. LOL.
What are you passionate about? Rather, what are some things you enjoy? Happy people!; the color pink (check: username!); romantic movies, shoujo manga and honest love in general; things that remind me of something exciting (define like - photos, diary, etc.); anything that is cute and/or fluffy.
What are some things that get on your nerves? What could you do without? Girls trying to be boys (no. I don't dislike it. Actually, I hate it. And the opposite of it doesn't excactly makes me a happy person); shounen-ai (or boy love); screaming teachers; unfrotunate events; people who bully others just to look cool and think so highly of themselves because of that.
Do you have any talents? What are you good at? I learn something new very fast and easily (though always forget about them anyways).
What are you not so good at? Sports. I can't even swin. I fail at almost everything related to sport. Even through I love bicyles, jumps adn running.

What do you look for in a significant other? Physically? Mentally? I'm not very picky. Maybe I want someone who can cheer me on secretly, the one who is mysterious in some way (he shouldn't be TOO mysterious, just a bit), so I can learn something new about him day by day. Oh, and don't forget about handsomeness... someone, kill me now. He can have all kind of weaknesses, but I don't want him to love stupid jokes (you probably don't know, but russian TV has a show called Comedy Club with a bunch of stupid guys... I hate it so very much, and eveyone loves it. oh how it pisses me off) or trying to be cool by humiliating people. I can say I don't really appreciate drunkers and smokers. Oh, and I never liked whose who are older than me (I mean REALLY older, not just two-three years).
"Love" -- how do you look at it? It's a very important part of my life. I think it's impossible to live without it.
How do you feel about cheating? Have you ever considered it? Not really. I guess I cheated on one of my friends, but not really. She left me after that, but I still think it was stupid of her... and maybe of me as well.
How do you view friendship? It's very important, because when you're alone you feel like thw whole world is against you.
Given a choice, would you prefer many acquaintances or few friends? Few friends, because they can always help you and will definitely care. Many acquaintances is just for fun, nothing else.
Concerning friends, could you leave them to pursue your goals and dreams? No, never. But I can doubt it if they betrayed me. I mean, if they did that... I can too, right?
Are you more faithful or more cynical of others? I'm more faithful, I always want to see the good side of others.

Other Stuff
A picture is optional, but what of your looks? A picture because I'm too lazy to describe myself. D:


If you were in a band, who else would be in it? What instrument would you play? Why? Who else? I don't know, actually. I can't play any instruments, because I don't have enough patience... so I think I would be a lead singer or something.
At a live show... What kind of fan are you? A wallflower? Part of the mosh pit? Part of the mosh pit, I guess. Never really been on live shows xD;
Could you sum up who you are in a single song? I'm thinking of Can't Have It All by Sophie Elis Bextor.
What are (some of) your favorite lyrics?

Sway by The Perishers.

It was you who picked the pieces up
When I was a broken soul
And then glued me back together
Returned to me what others stole

I don't wanna hurt you
I don't wanna make you sway
Like I know I've done before
I will not do it anymore
I've always been a dreamer
I've had my head among the clouds
Now that I'm coming down
Won't you be my solid ground?

I look at you and see a friend
I hope that's what you wanna be
Are we back now where it all began
Have you finally forgiven me?

You gathered my dreams in
When they all blew away
And then tricked them back into me
You saved me I was almost dead

Apoloize by Onerepublic.

I'd take another chance, take a fall
Take a shot for you
And I need you like a heart needs a beat
But it's nothin new
I loved you with a fire red-
Now it's turning blue, and you say...
"Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid...

It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

Your four vote links: 1 2 3 4 (sorry, I can't vote for a Paradise Kiss apps since I haven't read/seen it)
Anything else? Nope, nothing ^_^

.nana, ♥stamped!reira, ♥stamped!hachi

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