Title: Dance in the Dark
Pairing/Characters: Prowl/Jazz
Prompt: Leave Me Alone
Rating: lets say R for sensitive topics
Warnings: human femslash (kissing mostly), mentions of sex and prostitution
Summary: Jazz disguises herself as one of Amsterdam’s famous “window-girls”, under the watchful eye of Prowl.
Resides in the same 'verse as
Don't Lie To
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Comments 12
Possessive Prowl is possessive... and sexy it seems. She doesn't tolerate guys messin' with her Jazz.
*works on bunny*
Warm fuzzies for P & J, but I can't help but be a little sad too. This premise hits very close to real life, as you state in the summary. I very much empathize with what Jazz is saying at the end about the situations these women, girls, boys and men are in, be it willing or not. :(
My 'verse Jazz was once part of that world, as a dancer (see my "Dreamers and Dancers" story), so s/he's fully aware of the stigma that can come attached with those types of jobs. Being in tune with human culture also, s/he was bound to see a parallel.
But I feel so sad about Jazz's thoughts, it's sad others in real life don't have the fairy tale ending that s/he got with Prowl, and so glad you keep touching on Jazz 'not being easy'.
Jazz is one of the lucky ones... and I will keep focusing on Jazz not being "easy" till it kills me. Just because s/he's friendly with everyone doesn't automatically = jump into anyone's bed. Rawrr!
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