Fandom:JSA (DC Comics)
Characters:Ted Grant, Tom Bronson, Alan Scott, Jay Garrick
Prompt:047. Broken
Word Count:181
Summary:He should have never let Tom join.
Disclaimer:I am not Dan Didio. I don't own the JSA, 'tis a pity...
Notes:Warning! Character Death. I hope this never happens to Ted in canon.
Ted felt his knees sink into the wet ground even further; he couldn’t knock the feeling of wanting to seep into the earth himself. He held the broken body in his arms and rain pelted his face. The young man was disturbingly light in his arms. Ted felt Jay’s hand on his shoulder. He knew his friend meant well, he knew that he walked a road like this before, but he shook the speedster off anyway. It was his own fault that everything had gone all wrong. What was it about him that caused this? First Jake, now…
He could still see Vandal Savage’s face as he snapped the boy in half, as if he had been nothing at all.
“I should have never let ‘em join.”
Ted heard Alan’s strong voice. “C’mon Ted, let Pieter take him. He’ll take good care of Tom.”
The broken boy slipped from his fingers. Ted watched as Mid-Nite and Terrific took his son’s body. Tom was still in his feral form; ready for anything even in death.
“I should’ve never let ‘em join us.”