Fic: Uncer giedd geador

Aug 30, 2010 02:10

It's like 2 am where I am, but I just want to post this! :D Enjoy!

Title: Uncer giedd geador
Author: firedragon9
Pairings/characters: Arthur/Merlin, minor Morgana/Gwen, mentioned Lancelot/Will
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 23, 402
Warnings: Spoilers for Series One, since that is all I’ve been able to see. The fic turns Series One into an AU at “The Beginning of the End”. This started as a crack!fic, as Mordred would rather kill Arthur than be his son, but soon turned into this epic that got super serious at times. Hopefully it still isn’t too much of a crack!fic though.
Summary: Merlin connects with Mordred, Arthur is doubtful, Morgana and Gwen are aunts, Uther and Gaius are just thankful they have a grandchild, and it leads to a big happy family. Except for the part where Mordred keeps trying to kill Arthur, but other than that, one big happy family.
Author's notes: The title is from Wulf and Eadwacer, an Old English poem. I’d like to thank vinylsigns for all her hard beta work. She found things I never even saw as mistakes, since I've put so much time into this story. She also made sure things made sense! ♥ Any mistakes left in the fic are mine. I would also like to thank arithilim for her awesome art. I want to stare at it all day! She also put up with me emailing her, like all the time, at the end so ♥. Also, there might be codas to this fic because there are somethings I had to leave out and I would like to expand on other things.
Art link: TBA! :D
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters mentioned here, which makes me really sad. :(

PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3

2010: story entries

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