BLIMEY!: The Harry Potter Blogcrew

Feb 21, 2008 23:29

So waveless and I were talking/slacking off, as usual, and we've both clearly been thinking about HP/not doing homework/reading fics for too long. The end result?


Comment to claim any character or pairing that hasn't been taken, and you'll be added to the list. Pretty simple/standard, as far as blog crews go.

Once you've been added to the list? Just make a link back to this post with the character/ship you claimed anywhere you want. It can be in your sidebar, your FO post, your userinfo - anywhere that's conveniant, pretty much. And there's no need to link back with fancy banners or images - not unless you want to, anyway. :)

Black, Sirius - pink_faerie81
Chang, Cho - winterpolaris
Clearwater, Penelope - baisemoibien
Diggory, Cedric - thecullenforce
Dumbledore, Albus - spadul
Evans, Lily - integrand
Granger, Hermione - solitude_82
Lestrange, Bellatrix - alexandra_stone
Lestrange, Rudolphus - jeeeerk
Longbottom, Neville - hazy_crazy
Lovegood, Luna - simply_strange
Lupin, Remus - twicetheheart31
Malfoy, Draco - papered
Malfoy, Lucius - sinistrasnape
Ollivander - apricot_sky
Patil, Parvati - slightlymore
Potter, Harry - wizard_duels
Potter, James - boleyn
Riddle, Tom - bravesthope
Snape, Severus - bloodflowsgreen
Tonks, Nymphadora - hermyownee
Weasley, Fred - downpour
Weasley, George - roxi89
Weasley, Ginny - ginnyhermione
Weasley, Ron - waveless

Cedric/Cho - miserylovesher
Draco/Ginny - lovebuggin
Draco/Hermione - ritinha
Fred/Hermione - sarahyyy
Harry/Hermione - lovex33
Harry/Petunia - all_fics
James/Lily - secondstar
Remus/Hermione - _starcatcher_
Ron/Hermione - annemaris
Scorpius/Rose - x_tutorgirl_x
Severus/Lily - belladora
Severus/Sirius - skitsosquirrel
Sirius/Lily - quidditchkiss
Sirius/Remus - spookiezombie

Don't forget to help spread the word! :D

book/movie: harry potter, christina!, online: meme

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