I've had my eye on Eternal Poison myself. Hopefully it'll still be available for me to snatch up at a decent price once my backlog gets a lot smaller... one day...
LOL about Seymour. Yeah, he's not quite in the same league as Kefka, Sephiroth, etc. He kind of reminds me of Seifer, somewhat, in being the Obligatory Marketable Villain Figure. Except Seifer was arguably cooler. And definitely had less silly hair. Anyway, I'm not surprised Jecht was chosen over Seymour for Dissidia, though Yunalesca would've probably been the best choice.
I looked up the prices of Persona 4 and Eternal Poison, and the prices seem to vary quite a bit from each place... Eternal Poison's usually cheaper, though. But both sound like good choices! (Though I would like to see your thoughts about Persona 4 compared to 3.)
Final Fantasy X really didn't need Seymour, but I guess they figured they needed another silver-haired villain. *Sigh.* The only thing I liked about him was being able to use Shiva for the first time, against what I consider the the most badass summon of all time, Anima.
Yu Yevon was very disappointing... That final battle against him felt as useless as Necron's to me. But despite its lame main villains, I adore the game because the Braska/Jecht/Auron friendship, Jecht in general, Tidus disappearing at the end, etc. (X-2 doesn't exist, okay? D:)
I've kind of been craving P4, but I don't really have that much money, so I'll probably grab whatever is cheapest if there's a really big price difference.
Anima is indeed too cool! And also kind of plotbreaking, but I ignore that!
Comments 5
LOL about Seymour. Yeah, he's not quite in the same league as Kefka, Sephiroth, etc. He kind of reminds me of Seifer, somewhat, in being the Obligatory Marketable Villain Figure. Except Seifer was arguably cooler. And definitely had less silly hair. Anyway, I'm not surprised Jecht was chosen over Seymour for Dissidia, though Yunalesca would've probably been the best choice.
...he could have used more silly. (Ah but for the days of Gilgamesh?)
Final Fantasy X really didn't need Seymour, but I guess they figured they needed another silver-haired villain. *Sigh.* The only thing I liked about him was being able to use Shiva for the first time, against what I consider the the most badass summon of all time, Anima.
Yu Yevon was very disappointing... That final battle against him felt as useless as Necron's to me. But despite its lame main villains, I adore the game because the Braska/Jecht/Auron friendship, Jecht in general, Tidus disappearing at the end, etc. (X-2 doesn't exist, okay? D:)
Anima is indeed too cool! And also kind of plotbreaking, but I ignore that!
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