Lists and Shipping

Oct 25, 2010 13:57

I've been watching annwyd do this shipping meme and wondering if I even had enough ships to fill it out with (limited to ships I actually care about - no, no I don't). Anyway, I made a list of ships. Two, actually - one list that ranges everything that I am vaguely amenable towards to things that I actively ship, and one list of things that I vaguely disapprove of to things that I actively hate.

I might attempt the meme with them later so I'll keep them under wraps for the time being so here are just some stats. Bear in mind that some of them are a little subjective and my lists are subject to change.

Ships I Like
Total: 53
Het: 45
Slash: 8 (All F/F)
Canon/Intended Ship: 21
Some Canon Support: 17
Fanon: 15
Wait what?: 2
Villain/Hero: 2 (unambiguously)
Villain/Villain: 3
Things I Actively Ship: 4

Ships I Dislike
Total: 55
Het: 25
Slash: 20 (All M/M)
???/Anybody: 10
Canon/Intended Ship: 4
Some Canon Support: 15 (generously)
Fanon: 26
Villain/Hero: 18 (unambiguously)
Villain/Villain: 1
Incestuous or Pedophilic: 9 (Both: 3)
On this list (at least partially) because it breaks up my ship: 3

stats, shipping, i fucking love lists

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