Title: ‘Sex Aliens Stole My Clothes’ Is Not A Valid Excuse
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Owen/Ianto
Rating: PG-15
Word Count: 4065
Genre: Slash
Summary: “Robot,” Owen mutters under his breath, mentally willing Ianto to say something that will give him an excuse to attack him.
Author’s Notes: Set during 1x02 Day One, because it’s always fun to go old
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Comments 71
[...] only at Torchwood can you have a fight by sexually harassing each other until someone gives in to embarrassment.
...I want to work at Torchwood. That sounds like fun.
Don't we all want to work at Torchwood? I know I do... ;)
in other words, they’re going to argue over biscuits
lol, this was great :-)
Thank you sweetie.
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[Of course there will be more Ianto/Owen, I can't keep my hands off the boys ;)]
because there’s nothing like being perilously over-caffeinated to brighten up the hunt for a murderous sex alien
Hee! This is possibly my new favourite line ever.
It figures that their practically OCD teaboy would really only care about machines; after all, they hardly ever go wrong and can always be fixed when they do.
Oh, the angst!
only at Torchwood can you have a fight by sexually harassing each other until someone gives in to embarrassment.
How very true.
“I made rat jam,” Owen responds hollowly. “You poured coffee on me. A sex alien stole my clothes.”
I want to have a conversation like this, I really do.
Owen thinks about this for a moment. “I’ll have sex with you if you stop talking,” he offers ( ... )
I'm glad you picked up on both the over-caffeinated and machine lines as they're a couple of my favourites. And I'm enjoying writing for season one way too much at the moment ;)
Thank you so much sweetie, I'm glad you enjoyed! And I didn't think you'd forgotten, like I said, take as much time as you need!
*sends love*
Thank you sweetie, I'm glad you liked!
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