"Co-Workers Are Probably Not Toys", House MD, Chase/Wilson

Jun 06, 2008 17:27

Title: Co-Workers Are Probably Not Toys
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: Chase/Wilson (with hints of House/Cameron and Amber/13)
Challenge/Prompt: un_love_you 02. I was wrong about you & fanfic100 029. Birth
Rating: PG-13 (mild sexual references which I’m sure y’all can cope with)
Word Count: 5180
Genre: Slash
Summary: “Wilson thinks you’re pretty. Go do something with ( Read more... )

challenge: fanfic100, tv show: house md, type: slash, character: james wilson, character: greg house, character: robert chase, character: allison cameron, pairing: robert chase/james wilson, challenge: un_love_you, pairing: amber volakis/13, pairing: greg house/allison cameron

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Comments 28

sleepyheathen June 6 2008, 17:40:07 UTC
I love social experiments! Hee.
Now I have to go tell people all about radioactive STDs.


paperclipbitch June 9 2008, 13:39:28 UTC
Social experiments are always good fun :D

Yay, let's all raise awareness for currently non-existent infections!

Thanks for reading!



mayqueen517 June 6 2008, 18:30:24 UTC

There aren't any other words for this.

GOD, I love Chase and his pretty little Australian self. And somewhat clueless Wilson is awesome too.


paperclipbitch June 9 2008, 13:40:09 UTC
Thank you very much :D

Chase and Wilson are always awesomely adorable. And pretty!



karaokegal June 6 2008, 18:42:49 UTC

The bitch is back, baby! Complete with the angst and the wit and the sorrow and all the things that make your Wilson/Chase the best guilty pleasure in the fandom and a House/Wlson dynamic that make me remember why I fell in love with that as my OTP in the first place.

Normally I'd wait to read a long story until I can print it out, but there was no way I could wait for this.

Every bit just rings so true to the show I love, even if the show isn't that show as much anymore.

So glad your House muse made an appearance. You know I love the TW stuff, but the original's still the greatest.


paperclipbitch June 9 2008, 13:52:40 UTC
I am never leaving the guys alone this long again. I absolutely love writing for the House fandom, the characters are so much fun to bounce off each other.

My House muse just got freaked out a bit by all the new canon but I know what I'm doing now :D

Thanks very much sweetie.



meretricula June 6 2008, 18:56:49 UTC
finally, someone has done something with that awesome, awesome piece of dialog! I had a crazy gleeful grin for hours after watching the episode with CIA Woman, and I expect now to have the same crazy gleeful grin for a few hours more. excellent job!


paperclipbitch June 9 2008, 13:53:35 UTC
I laughed so much at that line that I knew something had to be done with it! Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked :D



mosquitosong June 6 2008, 20:07:27 UTC
I've missed your Chase and Wilson. You right them so well. I love Chase acting like a complete girl and House's 'social experiments'.


paperclipbitch June 9 2008, 14:13:50 UTC
I've missed writing with them :) Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked!



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