"It wasn't you and it wasn't him, it was me who fell like a fool right in..."

Nov 22, 2007 15:15

Title: The 38th Parallel
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: Cameron/Foreman
Challenge/Prompt: 100moods, 030. Drained
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Het
Summary: There are no books on what to do when your co-workers try to kill you and how you’re supposed to function afterwards.
Author’s Notes: Yes, the title does come from the border between North and South Korea (at least ( Read more... )

character: eric foreman, tv show: house md, pairing: allison cameron/eric foreman, character: james wilson, type: het, character: robert chase, character: allison cameron, challenge: 100moods

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Comments 3

karaokegal November 22 2007, 17:17:24 UTC
GUH! Breathtaking. One of your classics where I don't breath till I get to the KEL and then it all hits me in a rush of "OMG HOW THE HELL DOES SHE DO THAT????" Cause I can't and it makes me a little crazy. I mean Cam/Foreman, and I totally believed it. Every little exchange rang so bitter and true, even though we know much it got glossed over in cannon.

You PWN the snapshot style. Absolutely PWN. (Printing out, memming, adding to binder, having tattooed, etc.)

(Tiny little American/British usage note-Cam wouldn't be "binning" the consults. We don't use bin for garbage can or wastepaper basket at all.)


paperclipbitch November 22 2007, 17:24:12 UTC
Thank you :) It's literally taken me about four months to write this, on and off, and I kept changing how I wanted it to end, and it's driven me completely and utterly crazy (no matter how much I love these two as a couple...)

I'm so glad you enjoyed this!

(Sometimes I remember that, sometimes I don't. What do I use instead?)



karaokegal November 22 2007, 17:47:35 UTC
The American usage would be throwing out, or throwing away.

I've laid down arms on the spelling issue (althought not for myself) but I think the usage fight it still a worthwhile one and I trust you to let me know if I get it the wrong in any UK-based fandom stories of mine that you read.


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