"Well, for a lonely soul you're having such a nice time..."

Aug 02, 2007 14:53

Title: Two Wrongs And All The Things They Don’t Make
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: Chase/Wilson [Chase/Cameron]
Challenge/Prompt: fanfic100, 043. Square and un_love_you 15. This is my desperation in action.
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Slash [het]
Summary: Wilson had to do something with those flowers.
Author’s Notes: Set during “Airborne” and “Act Your Age”. I really, really, ( Read more... )

challenge: fanfic100, pairing: robert chase/allison cameron, tv show: house md, type: slash, character: james wilson, type: het, character: robert chase, character: allison cameron, pairing: robert chase/james wilson, challenge: un_love_you

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Comments 11

saara_zaara August 2 2007, 18:10:39 UTC
Ha! that's where the flowers came from ;D

If only this were canon - the Chameron continues, alas. Chase is actually pretty damn wonderful in The Jerk & Human Error, but Cameron, god I just want to to slay her.

PS Odd sentence - valid reason twice?
After all, it might be fun to have a valid reason to hang the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door for a valid reason


paperclipbitch August 3 2007, 15:50:08 UTC
Of course that's where the flowers came from :D I've got those to 'look forward' to, and I want the Chameron deaddeaddead. Ah well.

Yeah, that is an odd sentence, thanks for pointing it out. This is why I shouldn't do my proof-reading after midnight.



karaokegal August 2 2007, 23:13:45 UTC
They're ba-a-ck! Wilson/Chase to print out and take home. Can't wait to read. Happy, happy, happy.


paperclipbitch August 3 2007, 15:52:44 UTC
*grins* I hope you enjoyed it honey.



karaokegal August 3 2007, 22:40:45 UTC
I did indeed, while sitting outside in the sun, eating a sandwich. I so love bad!Wilson. He needs to get our more, especially when he's a allowed to torment Chase, flirt with Cuddy and think evil, evil thoughts about Cam/Chase.


deelaundry August 4 2007, 11:14:47 UTC
I was going to say, "Very nice," but it's not very nice, is it? But Sadistic!Wilson is as awesome as ever.


paperclipbitch August 15 2007, 12:05:05 UTC
Sadistic!Wilson is always awesome. He's somehow crueller than House, because he's quieter about it... :)

Thank you very much honey!



yevgenie August 6 2007, 18:41:03 UTC
Yay! This is really great, the way you've nailed the group's particular version of fucked-up, the way Wilson thinks about Chase, the way he's so not The Good Guy even though sometimes it looks like he is, they way they're all messed up by House even when he's off-screen. Thanks for sharing! :D


paperclipbitch August 15 2007, 12:05:52 UTC
Aw, thank you very much honey :) I'm very attached to evil!Wilson, so I'm glad that you liked!



stve3 August 22 2007, 22:22:26 UTC
Fantastic as always! I do enjoy sadistic!Wilson when it's with Chase!

I can say that Chase keeps getting more adorable (and brilliant) with passing chapters!


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