New "Grey Gardens" of mildly dubious quality. Hmmm.

Jun 18, 2007 18:24

Series Title: Movies Of Myself
Title: Stop Me Falling Down, Stop Me Making Movies Of Myself
Fandom: House MD [Grey Gardens AU]
Characters: Petra/Eric, James, Robert, Allison, Greg
Rating: PG-13
Premise: A ridiculously complicated AU which started out with the idea that Wilson has the infarction instead of House, and now has become its own mad ( Read more... )

character: eric foreman, tv show: house md, series: grey gardens, pairing: wilson/wives, pairing: eric/petra, character: james wilson, type: het, character: greg house, character: robert chase, character: allison cameron, character: petra gilmar

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Comments 13

saara_zaara June 18 2007, 18:50:53 UTC
My gay best friend can't pick out shoes either - I generally end up dressing him ;D But Chase making House do it - genius!

I do like this Petra - oh, if only House (or Wilson!) had hired her instead of Cameron ;)


paperclipbitch June 20 2007, 15:26:39 UTC
Heh heh. Awesome! Thank you very much :) Cameron is driving me up the wall at the moment, I wish House had hired Petra instead of her too... *sighs*



maggie33 June 18 2007, 19:18:28 UTC
New Grey Garden! Yay! I love Petra/Eric and I like this fic very, very much. IMO it's Grey Garden of very good quality. :)


paperclipbitch June 20 2007, 15:30:05 UTC
Aw, thank you very much :)



karaokegal June 18 2007, 19:47:29 UTC
Printing out to read later. Your stuff, especially new GG is too good to waste with skimming. And now I have an excuse to pull out all of GG read it ALL OVER AGAIN!


(The comment has been removed)

paperclipbitch June 20 2007, 15:32:49 UTC
Aw, thank you very much!



newbietheater June 20 2007, 02:04:08 UTC
Of course House has good taste in shoes XD.

Wonderful story, I love that they choose to elope in Vegas instead.


paperclipbitch June 20 2007, 15:36:10 UTC
House has fabulous taste in everything. It's a thing ;)

Thank you very much!



newbietheater June 20 2007, 17:08:39 UTC
Hee. Yes, of course, I don't know why I didn't think of it *g*. I bet if he and Cuddy were to get married, he'd pick out all the wedding details and it would be the most beautiful wedding ever XD. *sighs* I love House, I really do *g*.



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