"She's a lot like you... the dangerous type..."

Jun 04, 2007 12:10

Cameron/Cuddy for femslash100’s around the clock challenge. I stayed up til 2 a.m Monday with the Grey’s Anatomy soundtrack (vol. 2) finishing this off. One day, I’m going to learn how to write girlslash without being fundamentally bitchy. Is that actually possible?

01:00 Prehistoric )

tv show: house md, character: lisa cuddy, character: allison cameron, pairing: allison cameron/lisa cuddy, type: femslash, challenge: femslash100

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Comments 13

karaokegal June 4 2007, 16:54:58 UTC
YAY! ME FIRST...to tell you how much I love these and how I know reading them quickly at work is just the beginning and I'm going to take them home and re-re-re-re-read until I've got every nuance of angst memorized. Just for now I think my favorite is "Wrist-watch". You can just feel the tension and the silence.

I'm looking forward to all the MLC fallout because...it was so intense and painful on the H/W front that seeing it from a different shipper view will shed all kinds of light and darkness on the situation.


paperclipbitch June 5 2007, 12:03:40 UTC
Glad I can distract you at work ;) And thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed cuz they were just too fun to write.

I'll get on with the MLC fallout when I get back from Paris, because it's got madly complicated and I'm not sure what's going on. *has to poke her story back into line with a sharp stick*

I did't see it as a H/W shipper. Funny that ;)



karaokegal June 5 2007, 16:38:51 UTC
I did't see it as a H/W shipper. Funny that ;)

Exactly. It must have looked totally different with a Wilson/Chase slash-glasses prescription, including the Wil/Cam snipefest and the walk-out on House moment toward the end.

However I think shippers of all stripes can agree on the adorability of Dwarf!Mom.


(The comment has been removed)

paperclipbitch June 5 2007, 12:08:08 UTC
Thank you :) It struck me as the sort of thing Cuddy would do. She's more awesome and manipulative than the show will ever let us see...

I'm glad you appreciate my posting!



leiascully June 4 2007, 18:28:04 UTC
You are so great.


paperclipbitch June 5 2007, 12:09:22 UTC
Aw, thank you!



crashcart9 June 5 2007, 00:37:40 UTC
These are just wholly lovely. I can't quite decide which one(s) I liked best, but you captured the characters beautifully in all of them. Very nice job.


paperclipbitch June 5 2007, 12:13:23 UTC
Aw, thank you! I'm very glad you liked :)



karaokegal June 5 2007, 19:41:22 UTC
One day, I’m going to learn how to write girlslash without being fundamentally bitchy. Is that actually possible?

Oh please in heaven's name-DON'T! There's plenty of that out there and it's booooooorrrrrrriiiiinnnngggggg!!!!!!

Bitchiness and power imbalance is where it's at!


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