"Do you remember me? I'm the girl you danced with two times through the Rufus album..."

Jun 04, 2007 12:05

Title: Vegas In Green Tiles
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: Chase/Wilson
Challenge/Prompt: fanfic100, 006. Hours
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Gen/slash
Summary: Princeton/Plainsboro plays the waiting game.
Author’s Notes: So deliciously fun to write. And all admirably done in drabbles. It’s set in the hours after House’s shooting and is suspiciously fluffy. No season ( Read more... )

character: eric foreman, challenge: fanfic100, tv show: house md, type: slash, character: james wilson, type: gen, character: lisa cuddy, character: robert chase, character: allison cameron, pairing: robert chase/james wilson

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Comments 11

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paperclipbitch June 4 2007, 12:44:20 UTC
I don't know why you can't post yet, but hopefully it will clear up soon.

And yay for cookies!



wildestranger June 4 2007, 12:59:20 UTC
Oooooooooooooooooooooooh. And they're not being nasty to each other yet! Most enjoyable.


paperclipbitch June 4 2007, 13:01:04 UTC
Sometimes you just have to write fluffy. From time to time. In small doses. ;)

Thank you!



karaokegal June 4 2007, 16:34:58 UTC
The silence stings like nails in his skin.

Lines like this are why I worship you.


paperclipbitch June 5 2007, 11:53:29 UTC
Aw, thank you honey :)



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paperclipbitch June 5 2007, 11:57:23 UTC
Aw, honey, thank you so much! (Although I was rewatching last night, cuz, you know, House + LSD + shower = French revision? What French revision?, and the tiles are totally blue. Oops)

I'm very glad you liked, I'm indecently attached to this story.



saara_zaara June 7 2007, 02:15:52 UTC
I really like this. And strangely, Wilson making carrot cake makes sense ;D


paperclipbitch June 12 2007, 17:23:10 UTC
Of course Wilson would make carrot cake! It's nothing at all to do with the fact I was eating carrot cake at the time of writing.

Thank you :D



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