Beyond The Woods | The Hunger Games | Johanna-centric

Sep 07, 2014 22:04

t: Beyond The Woods
f: The Hunger Games
c: Johanna
ch: fic_corner (& fc_smorgasbord - 4. ingratitude)
r/wc: PG/1785
s: No one had thought all that much of Seven before a young woman ripped off her sheep’s demeanour and revealed the wolf’s teeth beneath.
n: Written for PorcupineGirl for the fic_corner exchange. My prompt was I'd love something that shows the world of Panem and The ( Read more... )

character: haymitch abernathy, challenge: fc_smorgasbord, character: finnick odair, book/movie: the hunger games, character: johanna mason, challenge: fic_corner, type: gen

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Comments 1

branquignole September 8 2014, 19:29:36 UTC
I love Johanna so much and this is brilliant and depressing and perfect <3


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