Title: In Shining Armour
Fandoms: Chronicles Of Narnia/Torchwood
Pairing: Caspian/Tosh
crossovers100, 017. Brown
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4200
Genre: Het (and somewhat cracky, what with the crossover and all)
Timeline: Between Something Borrowed and From Out Of The Rain, & post-movie.
Summary: “Well, whatever it is, it looks good wet,” Ianto
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Comments 20
*dies laughing*
And my god, the awesome bickering, and 'what would Jack do?' and Tosh being silly and yay! Narnia! ^^
“Well…” Owen shrugs. “Caspian does have nice hair. And a really big-”
“-Sword,” Ianto interjects.
That was when I died. I actually sat here cackling like a completely insane idiot for about 10 minutes.
And I love the Ianto/Owen banter. T'is awesome xxxxx
“It’s part of the job,” Tosh replies quickly, ignoring the fact that Torchwood’s motto is practically yay creative forms of violence.
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