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Comments 35

faynia May 1 2009, 15:55:53 UTC
*claps with glee!*

Oh Owen! >.< Poor baby.

“If you refer to my servants as mini-Iantos again I’ll throw you back on the streets,” Ianto warns. “And no, not really. They think I’m eccentric, which means I can get away with all kinds of things.”

“Am I a thing?” Owen asks, as Ianto pushes him into his bedroom.

“Very possibly,” Ianto replies

This right here was so perfectly the boys. I couldn't stop giggling about it.

What a wonderful fic to start my day with!


samueljames May 1 2009, 16:17:38 UTC
I loved this. Ianto/Owen in any header is enough to make me click but this was fabulous. I loved your descriptions and hated what Owen had to do. You sold his anger and self-loathing really well. The bit where Ianto found out who Thomas was actually brought tears to my eyes for some reason. I hope they'll stay together when they get back to the future.


dimestore_romeo May 1 2009, 16:51:07 UTC
Oh, this is amazing. I think the Artful Dodger was absolutely my favourite, hands down.

Owen as the mafia-king of Cardiff was great, as well as how you refused to really let him loosen up and let go of his rage.


dru_evilista May 1 2009, 17:14:38 UTC
Oh this was so, so, so awesome! Poor, poor tortured, in need of therapy, drugs, and more therapy, Owen. And Ianto's not much better.


hanelissar May 1 2009, 17:42:55 UTC
Your writing makes me far too happy, especially considering the totally not-happy content of most of this.

I loved this in far too many ways to actually articulate (mini-Iantos!! and Artful Dodger who is going to make Torchwood Three!! and top hats!!) and it is as glorious to read as everything you write.


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