"Some Day, She Might Look Back On This And Laugh", CSI:NY, Lindsay-centric

Mar 09, 2009 13:24

Title: Some Day, She Might Look Back On This And Laugh
Fandom: CSI:NY
Characters: Lindsay; Danny, Adam
Challenge/Prompt: psych_30 #28 Free Association & fanfic100 002. Middles
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1620
Genre: Gen/het
Summary: Her first words are: “Oh my God, I’m such a slut.”
Author’s Notes: Spoilers for 5x09. I love how Danny and Lindsay are basically ( Read more... )

character: lindsay monroe, tv show: csi:ny, challenge: fanfic100, character: danny messer, type: gen, type: het, challenge: psych_30, character: adam ross

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Comments 9

evilstorm March 9 2009, 14:04:59 UTC
This fills me with gleeeeeeeeeeeeee and I'm not sure why.


paperclipbitch March 10 2009, 14:23:21 UTC
Hehe, well, yay for gleeeeeeeeeeeeee! Thanks sweetie.



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paperclipbitch March 10 2009, 14:27:35 UTC
Aww, thanks so much sweetie :)

(I'm really loving Adam in this series; he's so cute and awesome!)



annemjw March 10 2009, 07:53:12 UTC
Oh my god, so good! And I want to know what happens next, but also... I dunno, it's just that resolution of a secret thing :)


paperclipbitch March 10 2009, 14:29:45 UTC
Aw, thanks very much sweetie!



fc2001 March 11 2009, 19:30:59 UTC
So much love for Adam - both on the show and in this where you just got him down.

And as ever, I adore your Lindsay voice, because I'm all about the realism. Canon D/L is enough to make me vomit atm, so I'm relying on fic to get me through.

Anyway, suffice to say, I love this.

Lol, Fi.


paperclipbitch March 12 2009, 14:40:09 UTC
I'm loving Adam at the moment; he's being so adorable!

Thank you very much sweetie, canon does seem to be getting a little out of hand at the moment, doesn't it?



karaokegal March 12 2009, 16:46:47 UTC
Oh Lindsay! This definitely gives way more depth than anything we've seen onscreen thus far and I do like the Adam/Lindsay connection. I wish something like this would play out and then you know Danny would get all jealous and manly and then maybe Lindsay could tell him to get stuffed.

Your fic makes me care about the characters much more than the show does right now.

I think I even gave up all my Danny icons cos I was so bored.


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