Title: Last Year I Think I Wore Red For The End Of The World
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Lucy [The Master/Lucy]
doctorwho_100, 065. Passing
Rating: PG-15
Word Count: 2365
Genre: Gen [het]
Summary: “My Master did it better,” she mumbles; a distraction.
Author’s Notes: Spoilers for Journey’s End. Because I might as well get the characters
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Comments 9
I love her clapping away the Daleks. I WISH she could have seen this in the finale. I mean if they could waste time on Gwen and whatshisname, the least they could have given us was a few seconds of Lucy.
Beautiful, frightening and heart-breaking. (I'm attempting dark!fic for Halloween and it's not going to come within miles of this.)
I'd say more, but I'm a little incoherent...
Am here via a rec, and I love how you've answered the question of Lucy during the end of S4.
Tell me... might you be writing anything about TEoT at all? Maybe even re-writing what happened in a particular scene, or putting a different interpretation on it?!? *hopes*
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