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kimberry531 November 1 2010, 14:33:22 UTC
Name: Kimberly

A/S/L: Twenty, female, New York

Favorite HP Pairings aside from H/D: As/S
Favorite HP Characters: Draco Malfoy
Which house would you be in? That's under current debate ;) I was a Slytherin at sortingitout but I'm currently Gryffindor Prefect at hogwartsishome, so. Slytherdor?

Other fandoms: HP is my only other active "fandom" but I'm obsessed with Glee. And Degrassi. And ANTM. And ATLA. HUGELY obsessed with ATLA.
Interests outside of fandom: LOL Do you mean real life? People have those? I'm a full time student trying to juggle school, work, and Modding HiH, so my free time is sparse.
Do you do fanfiction, fanart, communities, ect? I write fanfic quite often. It's been a while since I've written Drarry, but my earlier stuff is all Drarry. I've more recently been writing As/S.
Whats in your journal? Real life things, memes, sometimes video blogs, spam about ATLA, a LOT about HiH.
What is your friending policy, if you have one?: If you friend me, let me know where you found me and I'll friend back. I expect people who friend me to be active LJ ( ... )


kimberry531 November 1 2010, 14:33:45 UTC
>.> why am I the first one? Did I do something dumb?


lonewhiterose November 1 2010, 16:13:46 UTC
I don't think you did...I'll post mine too, but it is a little odd there's only 2 of us...


just_heidi November 1 2010, 16:34:22 UTC

A/S/L: 27, female, Denmark

Favorite HP Pairings aside from H/D:I have many ^_^ But my biggest ones must be; Harry/Scorpius, Snape/Harry, Snape/Draco, Sirius/Regulus and many new gen pairings.
Favorite HP Characters: Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy.
Which house would you be in?I would love to be in Slytherin but I must admit I'm more of a Gryffindor, he he.

Other fandoms: Many anime fandoms. Like Bleach, DRRR, DOGS, Kuroshitsuji. Also Doctor Who, Torchwood and QaF.
Interests outside of fandom:My main interest is acting. I have been on stage since I was a little kid. These past years I have also realised how much I love teaching it, especially to teenagers.
Do you do fanfiction, fanart, communities, ect?I write a little bit, but it has been ages since I wrote anything, so I'm mostly a lurker.
Whats in your journal?Much squeeing about my fandoms and pretty boys in general *grins* Once in a while a post about my life will sneak in there.
What is your friending policy, if you have one?:Right now I friend anyone back that doesn't ( ... )


snugglemint November 1 2010, 16:46:23 UTC
Name:  snugglemint

A/S/L: 21 - Female - Georgia, USA

Favorite HP Pairings aside from H/D: Errr. Um... No wait, lemme think! Snarry at times. Remus/Sirius. Twincest. Threesomes would be.... Neville/Harry/Draco, Draco/Harry/Blaise, and Harry/Draco/Snape. - These aren't necessarily my FAVORITE, because that is Harry/Draco hands down, but they're ones I like well enough.
Favorite HP Characters: Harry and Draco. Pansy makes an excellent fag hag.
Which house would you be in? Slytherin

Other fandoms: Errr....
Interests outside of fandom: There is life outside this fandom? (Anyone else sing that to Avenue Q? There is life outside your apartment!)
Do you do fanfiction, fanart, communities, ect? Fanfiction Writer.
Whats in your journal? My personal journal is filled with anything I fancy. My writing journal is full of bunnies and trees, cause who would except fics?
What is your friending policy, if you have one?: I don't have one.
Anything else I need to know before I add you?: Um... I'm prone to fits of insanity! I have a tendency to talk to new ( ... )


kimberry531 November 1 2010, 17:01:53 UTC
Snakey fanfic writers who don't believe in real life outside of fandom? I think we're meant to be. ;) Want to give friending me a try?


snugglemint November 1 2010, 17:04:13 UTC
There is a reason that snake burrow into the ground. It's to get away from the idiots above. Haha.

Yes, friending would be delightful.


talekayler November 1 2010, 17:01:41 UTC

Name: Tale

A/S/L: 18/ female/ Canada

Favorite HP Pairings aside from H/D:Oh boy... As/S, HP/SS, HP/DM/SS, RL/NT(because how else would you get Teddy?), RW/HG, GW/NL, HP/LM. I only read about half of these though. :)
Favorite HP Characters: Bah... I don't think I can choose!
Which house would you be in? Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. Although I did take one test that said I wouldn't fit in any!

Other fandoms: What other fandoms? I'm so isolated... Okay, maybe BBC Merlin, but I've never really read any fanfics about it. Just the show. Which I need to catch up on.
Interests outside of fandom:Artsy stuff. Painting, reading, writing, drawing.
Do you do fanfiction, fanart, communities, ect? Mostly fics. I am thinking about branching out into fanart, but I'm utter pants at drawing people (there may have been a select few that turned out, but they were picture based!), and I don't think I'd ever put anything up anyways.
Whats in your journal? Um, a small introduction to me (I just started on LJ) and a few of my fics. Not much. :)
What is your ( ... )


lonewhiterose November 1 2010, 17:55:55 UTC

Name: Shawnn

A/S/L: 23/female/Utah, USA

Favorite HP Pairings aside from H/D: As/S
Favorite HP Characters: Luna, Draco, Harry and Snape
Which house would you be in? Slytherin

Other fandoms: ATLA is really the only other one. I love pairings from other fandoms, but I've never actually seen/read whatever it is. However, I am very familiar with ATLA. I'm a huge Jet/Zuko shipper -_-
Interests outside of fandom: Umm...I'm a movie whore and I love writing letters and attempting to draw...?
Do you do fanfiction, fanart, communities, ect? sometimes. I've only written 3 fics and drawn 2 fanarts.... And I LOVE the harrydraco community. I'm actually a part of like 10 comms, but I'm kind of a lurker...
Whats in your journal? Mostly HP stuff. Some personal stuff, which is why it's private, but ah well.
What is your friending policy, if you have one?: well, we have to have similar interests, or I'll probably just delete you... Oh, and I'm purely a Harry/Draco fan, so if you post other things on your LJ of Harry paired with someone else, or Draco paired ( ... )


yami_yume November 1 2010, 18:26:26 UTC

Name:Sorry, I'm shy!

A/S/L:secret, female, Texas

Favorite HP Pairings aside from H/D: I like Harry/Snape, Harry/Lucius...er, Harry with dark, obsessive people mostly. If someone puts him with Voldemort though, Voldie needs to be made pretty.
Favorite HP Characters: Harry, Draco, Snape, Ron, Luna
Which house would you be in?: Probably Ravenclaw. I do a lot of research nowadays. It never seems to be enough. The hat would have asked me to go to Slytherin, tho, but I need to be at a different table to stare at Draco better.

Other fandoms: Kingdom Hearts!!!! I also love all Squeenix games, but Final Fantasy 7 is my ultimate fave. RPGs are a lot like interactive books! Whee!
Interests outside of fandom: I like writing, playing games, reading, biking, researching anything that crosses me as interesting, MMOs, RP...quiet hobbies, mostly.
Do you do fanfiction, fanart, communities, ect?: Fanfiction and Communities, yes. My art sucks. I'm planning on getting into Harry Potter fanfiction soon.
Whats in your journal?: Sadly nothing, because ( ... )


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