Ladies and Gentlemen.
This is Chip Zdarsky.
This is Chip Zdarsky as Elektra.
Chip, upset that the film crew asking for his opinion concerning the movie doesn't want to shoot him in costume, gives them a piece of his mind...
"Yes, we got your email but didn't seriously think you had a costume...", the director argues...
"Good thing I didn't go ahead and hire the Ninjas...!" Chip bites back in piquish disappointment...
Chip (who saw the movie last night at the press screening - and yes, he was in costume there too, although the people checking for recording devices also asked to hold his Sais for him...) says the new movie sucks (despite the enduring charms of J-Garn) and you should, instead, read his comic
Prison Funnies (which is kind of like "OZ", but with one of those 1960's laff tracks attached to it) instead of blowing 10 bux on a bad comic-book tie-in movie.
That is all.