Title: Quarantine Summary: "We don't have your stupid Pegasus Galaxy chicken pox!" Rating: PG (pants on, but happy touching) Thanks: To gritkitty for beta. Notes: Written for the splendiferous Punk, who made March a happy month indeed.
"Okay," John said, and feeling reckless, left his hand there until Rodney pressed into it. He turned his hand over, cupped Rodney's jaw, and rubbed two fingers against the slight stubble. With his thumb, he traced along Rodney's lips. They parted to say, "Ha, I knew it," and then Rodney pulled him in and kissed him. The cot creaked as they moved closer together; John slipped a hand between Rodney's legs, and Rodney moaned.
This is totally proper medical technique. The AMA would approve!
I imagine Rodney's thought process went something like, "Huh, that was weird. That was weird, right? It wasn't just me? Think of something to say. Something encouraging, but non-committal, in case it was just me."
The more SPN fic I dabble in, the *happier* SGA makes me. So cute! So light-hearted! So RodneyJohn! (that's a word for things that are cute and hot and dorky, now)
Comments 28
This is totally proper medical technique. The AMA would approve!
They parted to say, "Ha, I knew it,"
because they totally would BOTH stop mid-seduction to be all 'you've been into me forEVER, haven't you?'
I agree!
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