Hey everyone, I'm fairly new to pickling, and I'm looking to expand my horizons or whatever. What are some of your favorite foods to pickle, or some of your favorite recipes?
Putting Food By is my canning bible. The dilly bean (pickled green bean) recipe in it is outstanding.
I also cannot say enough good things about Wild Fermentation. It's a very different kind of pickling, but the end products are really, truly delicious. Here's the sour pickle recipe.
Dill pickles, bread and butter (sweet) pickles, and dilly beans are the basics- this year I experimented and pickled some garlic scapes in dill brine and they are awesome!
Comments 4
I also cannot say enough good things about Wild Fermentation. It's a very different kind of pickling, but the end products are really, truly delicious. Here's the sour pickle recipe.
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