Arrivederci, Fiero: Barney Learns to Drive
Ted: You know how to drive, right?
Barney: What, of course I know how to drive. I love driving. Hitting the road. Cruising the lanes. And braking. Honking. Love it. Except for lady drivers. Don't get me started on lady drivers.
Ted: Which pedal's the gas?
Barney: Trick question.
Ted: No, it's not.
Barney: Yes, it is.
Ted: No, it's not.
Barney: Middle, left, right? I never learned how to drive! I grew up in the city. I never had a chance.
Ted: Well, guess what? You're getting your chance. Because I'm going to teach you. Barney Stinson, buckle up.
Barney: This isn't right. God never meant for us to travel at such breakneck speeds.
Ted: Relax. You're doing great. Ignore the old lady on the rascal; this isn't a race.
Barney: Dude, a dog.
Ted: Zitch dog, yes! 1-nothing.
Barney: What do I do? Tell me what to do, Ted.
Ted: Step on the brakes. Sometime in the next 20 minutes.
Ted: Why did you just turn on the radio?
Barney: I don't know why I turned on the radio! We're going to die. Tell me what to do, Ted.
Ted: Relax. You're being crazy.
Barney: Help me, Ted! I'm being serious.
Ted: Stop, drop and roll.
screencaps from
here except the ones used in the gif -- i made those. don't use for anything, edit, etc. if you want to use the gif, credit
worthless_hope, please.