I fangirl very well

Dec 06, 2009 20:56

So I am planning a MASSIVE HP post, in which I dissect the teaser trailer with ideas and predictions and screencaps. I have no idea when I will have time to do this BUT IT WILL HAPPEN. Maybe this weekend. OH, ALSO HAPPENING THIS WEEKEND, check out this vid and DanRad will explain it to you. :DD

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At first I was so bummed because I didn't think I knew anyone who has a BluRay player, but my friend Leighann's sister's boyfriend (who lives with them) has a PS3, and I told her about it (she's also an HP fan) and she said I could come over to watch it!! OMG SERIOUSLY I WILL BE WATCHING HBP WITH DANRAD!! I will have to rent a BluRay copy, I might even have to reserve it this week at Hollywood Video. It's happening at noon, if anyone else out there has access to a BluRay player. I have to think long and hard about what question to ask him! I really have no idea at the moment, I need to brainstorm! If you guys have any questions for him or David Yates, leave them in a comment this week and I'l write them down and bring them. SO EXCITEDDDDD!!! :DDDD

Anywho, in other fangirly news (not HP related for once) I'm going to see Company of Thieves again on Wednesday, at Rev Hall in Troy! SO PSYCHED, MAN. I managed to poke a hole in the Sexy Bassist's guitar pick with a safety pin, and Colleen is going to make me a necklace to wear! I told the boy I was turning the pick into a necklace, and he likened me to Mel on Flight of the Conchords LOL. XDD Yeah I guess it's pretty accurate. I still have to pick out a supercute outfit to wear (the boy said he'd buy me a COT t-shirt at the show for my birthday, but I dunno if I'm gonna put it on or not). We're going mad early so I can get in the front, DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF SEXY BASSIST. I wonder if he will recognize me??? XDDD I am beyond excited. I wonder if we can finagle some way to meet the band? I really want autographs! I wish I had time off to take from work (I'm still on 90-day probation), because I'm going to be out all night stalking the band. They will be joining the list of bands that I've seen more than once. The list also includes Bon Jovi (4 times), Eve 6 (twice), Goo Goo Dolls (twice), Dave Matthews Band (twice), and OAR (twice). Wow, I need to see some other bands, because that's about every show I've ever been to, right there. XDD

Ok, I'm off to eat more chocolate lava brownie cake, read HP, and go to bed. Good night all.

fandom, music, fangirling, vids, cot, squeeage, hp

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