what is wrong with me??

Dec 04, 2011 22:41

WHAT IS THIS HOMEWORK OF WHICH YOU SPEAK??? Guys, it's my last week, and I have senioritis bad. XDD Let's do another meme, shall we? Stolen from princess_aleera.

Give me a pairing and I will tell you:

who is the big spoon/little spoon ( Read more... )

ugh, shipping, memes, procrastinatosaurus, homework hell

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Comments 12

starkat75 December 5 2011, 15:03:59 UTC
Cool stuff! Let's try it with one or all of this pairings:
Blair Sandburg / Jim Ellison (The Sentinel)
John Sheppard / Rodney McKay (Stargate: Atlantis)
Jack / Daniel (Stargate: SG1)
Henry / Mike (Blodd Ties)

Sorry, but I still have so much more pairings in my head. :-)


pann_cake December 5 2011, 23:24:13 UTC
Oh I'm sorry hun, but I'm not familiar with any of those fandoms! :((( Want to pick something else?


mustaza December 6 2011, 04:11:40 UTC


pann_cake December 7 2011, 00:56:21 UTC
Aww, I've missed you and your Dan/Charlotte shipping! <33

who is the big spoon/little spoon: Dan's the big spoon because he's protective, but they do a lot of snuggling.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Playing chess. Charlotte gets mad when Dan lets her win, and she vows to beat him for real someday.
who uses all the hot water in the morning: Neither, they always save some for each other (or just take a shower together!).
what they order from take out: Sushi, they both like it. Dan always eats his with chopsticks and Charlotte just uses her fingers.
what is the most trivial thing they fight over: Whether or not they should invite Miles somewhere. They both love him but he annoys them too, and Charlotte will always convince Dan to let Miles come along. Then Dan invites Richard to distract Miles. :P
who does most of the cleaning: Dan, he's a neat freak. It's part of his big math brain, everything needs to be in its proper place.
what has a season pass in their DVR: Mythbusters.
who controls the netflix queue: ( ... )


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