drip drip drop little April showers

Apr 16, 2011 16:07

Yes I just quoted Bambi, because I'm awesome. XDD

Did anyone else buy Deathly Hallows yesterday?? BECAUSE I DID. :DDD It was killing me because Verizon came to my house yesterday to install the fancy FIOS (we just switched) so I had to stay there for a good portion of the day because the guys couldn't be there by themselves. I literally ( Read more... )

fandom, fic, hp

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Comments 8

ozmissage April 16 2011, 23:08:28 UTC
Ooh, Deathly Hallows! I hope you have an awesome viewing party. :)
I haven't bought a copy yet (I just ordered Bossypants from Amazon so I'm trying to be good) but I can't wait to see it again.

Is anybody interested in a multi-fandom OT3 Fic-a-thon??

YES. I'm very interested in that. I'm so OT3 obsessed these days, it's not even funny.


pann_cake April 16 2011, 23:24:00 UTC
I'm so excited to watch it again!! And some of the friends that are coming over have never seen it, so it's going to be intense, lol. :P

Okay, good! I'll be posting it tonight (soon!) to get some prompts going. EXCITED. :D:D


sevthebat April 16 2011, 23:27:22 UTC
Yes Deathly Hallows!
Oh man, I so can't afford that right now though. Maybe in the near future.

I don't write a whole lot, but I'm totally in favor of OT3 (especially HP trio OT3). I'd love to hang out and provide support for that fic-a-thon.
I'd be down to provide illustrations of scenes, as long as it isn't too disruptive to the writing. That okay with you?


pann_cake April 16 2011, 23:31:00 UTC
It was on sale at Target. :P

YAY! I've been into OT3's more and more lately, but it was this sudden rekindled love for the HP trio that made me decide to do this ficathon. :D

HOW ABOUT, I expand the rules so that you can respond to people's prompts with art? *thumbs up*


sevthebat April 16 2011, 23:50:33 UTC
I find myself getting into trio-ships more and more, especially when the whole plot of a show/book deviates to revolve around a love triangle. I'll be like "stop that, just screw them both, I'm sure they can adapt." :P

Thanks for being awesomely accommodating with the rules. I'm excited!


pann_cake April 17 2011, 00:04:04 UTC
I AGREE 100% :DD I also really love the 3-part friendship, it doesn't even need to be shippy (although that's always good too, lol).

No prob, hun! I want you to be able to play! :DD I just posted ittttt.


valhalla37 April 26 2011, 01:25:51 UTC
I finally watched DH last weekend -- was supposed to see it a million times in theatres and never happened, etc. -- and I wished I'd re-read the book beforehand. Totally having a bit of trouble keeping track of all the plotlines from all the books, lol, but I did like it, even if it did feel very much like a "Part 1" in the set-up, etc.

And I saw your note about the OT3 prompts -- will definitely check out what's left, and perhaps (hopefully!) manage to write some! ;D


pann_cake April 26 2011, 01:38:08 UTC
I saw it 3 times in theaters I think! XDD *nerd* I loved it so much, it felt like the most true-to-the-book of any of the HP movies. But I'm never overly critical of the movies when they stray from the books, I try to just enjoy them for what they are. I re-read DH before the movie came out in theaters, and I'm glad I did because I forgot a lot of it. But I still end up on the edge of my seat every time I watch it! I can't wait for Part 2!! :DD

Oh good! There's still plenty to play with, and lots of good stuff already there to read. ;) I wish I had time to write more, but ugh, school. *headdesk*


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