Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
I. ζ The About Questions
Name: Annabelle
Stamped as:
Alice ζ The Opinion Questions
Which house do you prefer or like best compared to the others? Vessalius and Nightray cuz I'm bias..hahaha.
Which house do you think you will be part of? Vessalius or Rainsworth, Nightray and Baskerville. would be too much for me,..and Barma sounds like work...;;;
Why or in what way are you part of either one of the 5 Houses? Truthfully, I wouldn't know. I'm not quiet or stand by at ALL so Rainsworth and Barma are out. I'm not the type that's a mess like Nightray. I don't feel any association with Baskerville. And with Vessalius.....I don't know...
ζ The Theme Questions
Would you prefer to be working backstage or on stage in Pandora? On stage, wouldn't it be boring if your not on stage doing something.I'm here to make a difference right? I like hands on work.
So what would you be doing mainly? What ever I feel like doing, its my business. Muhahaha. (sorry a bit sugar high from Halloween). I'd be trying to fix everything that has happened even though its hard.
Can you work well with others in a group and/or enjoy it? It's not a big problem, unless their annoying I'd enjoy it...but even sometimes I'd probably have to suck it up.
If your role was replaced with someone else supposedly "better", how would you react? The keyword is "better", I'd get it back. No time to fret over how mad I'd be...I want my job back!
If you were the Head of the House, what would you do first? I would try to unite everyone but I highly doubt it would work. But I will try to deal with each houses business separately before attempting it.
How would you treat your subordinates? Hahaha...nicely? I'll make myself clear, as long as they are loyal to me I'll tease them a little but I will treat them nicely. If even after that they betray me...they're in for a lot they wouldn't know about.
and How would you go about going your duties or spending your leisure time everyday? I'd do some work here, and go off to explore the town or something.
Will you be able to cooperate/get along with the Rainsworths without getting Harisen-ed? Probably...although I'd probably try to run if I get threatened.
ζ The Misc. Questions
Any problems with the questions? Nahh...I guess.
Any suggestions that could help improve the comm? Nope....except...I was late and never got to play matchmaker ;A;. Hahaha~
Anything else? I don't feel fit for a House D:. *flys solo* lol.