Elliot+Sparkles = What does that equal too?

Sep 03, 2009 08:03

Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
II. http://community.livejournal.com/pandora_ratings/13806.html?view=92654#t92654
III. http://community.livejournal.com/pandora_ratings/13826.html?view=92674#t92674

;; About yourself

Name: Annabelle
Stamped as: Alice

;; On to the theme questions

What are three things you hate in a person? : I hate people that are insensitive, I hate people that always seem to be defending themselves (and your not even blaming them for anything...you just mention something), and I people that are dull and pessimistic (although I can usually handle them)
What are three things you like? : I like people who are fun, loyal, and abide to what I want >D.
Have you gotten yourself into a very problematic argument before? and over what? : I don't really think that happens a lot...I do argue with people that think the world doesn't care about them...(although its pretty hopeless to do so....I know a lot of VERY emotional people)..but normally I just make sure I win >D.

;; The This or That

What trait in a person annoys you more:
Short-tempered or cold? Short-tempered. If the person is short-tempered...it will be a train wreak....cuz I'm short-tempered. I'm ok with doing all of the talking so being cold doesn't bother me as much.
Abrasive or a poser? Poser...either way, even if your abrasive at least your being yourself. I can respect that.
Arrogant or stuck up? Stuck-up. Arrogance is not as bad...but if your going to get all stuck up with me...I'll punch you.
Blunt or sarcastic? Blunt. I dislike it when people are so blunt about things...but it really depends on the situation...usually I'm fine with both...but when your blunt sometimes its really annoying.

;; In-Universe -By this time Zaphir's brain died-

Would you ever go against your superiors? and if you would, for what reason? Yes, because if their doing something wrong...their doing something wrong....so as a person I have to tell them.
Make up your own chain and describe what it's main power/ability is: I want a cat...lawl...Cheshire. But a female cat...and she should be named the Queen of Hearts (Cuz I'm such an Alice in Wonderland fanatic) and she should have the power to command (bend peoples wills...like persuasion...but not entire control (that be scary)
Who are two people you think you'd have problems with? Ermm...Vincent and Echo. Vincent because he just plainly scare me and Echo because..shes so...its like Breaks problem with her...she acts like a doll...it bothers me. (Although I do like her x3 but in real life...thats a bit different.)
and who do you think would share the same opinion with you for the above?
Break? Haha. You know why.

;; Misc.

Any problems with the questions? Nahh...
Any suggestions that could help improve the comm? Nope
Anything else?..................

Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
II. http://community.livejournal.com/pandora_ratings/13806.html?view=92654#t92654
III. http://community.livejournal.com/pandora_ratings/13826.html?view=92674#t92674

Name: Annabelle
Stamped as: Alice

>> Please post at least one clear picture of yourself (no cosplay photos please).
Or if you don't have a picture(s) or feel uncomfortable posting one and you would still like to participate in the theme, please provide a very detailed physical description of yourself instead:

Something from a little while ago.
Here. Here. (Sorry I look so retarded blowing a swimming thingy..but I dont have many pictures in my files D:)
Something more recent.
Here (In the kitty ears xD)

rival: vincent rightray, mirror: alice, ( .rival. ), ( .mirror. )

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