Title: "Black Magic Kitty"
pandora_goldMedium: digital drawing
Rating: PG-13
worksafe: NSFW
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: Harry is gazing back over his shoulder at Draco after checking out his new form in the mirror. A drawing of Harry as a were leopard. fan art for Black Magic by Moonlight.
Warnings: wet nude Cat!Harry (or Harry cat?)
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Harry Potter.
Artists Note: I have been feeling a little Harry Potter-ish recently and I just went back and re-read one of my favorite Harry Potter stories,
Black Magic by Moonlight (
AO3 link) which is an Anita Blake / Harry Potter cross over, if you enjoy both books, or it you enjoy supernatural stuff like vampires, and werecreatures, I highly recommend going to read it!
So when I hit the scene where she describes him, I couldn’t resist Harry as a Cat Man, but I also couldn’t quite picture how it would look, so I drew him! Yay! Cat!Harry
Hope you enjoy ;-)
And as always comments are loved!!!
I also don't mind criticism as long as it is constructive, because how can I grow as an artist if no one tells me what I'm doing wrong?
x-posted at AO3