
Oct 09, 2010 16:30

For an event over at onlinespncon .

1. Sam
2. Gabriel
3. Jess
4. Michael
5. Castiel
6. Bobby
7. Dean
8. Lucifer
9. Crowley
10. God
11. Becky
12. Chuck

1) If Lucifer was involved with both Dean and Michael how would Dean and Michael react when they found out about Sam another?

Probably start a cat fight to end all cat fights.

2) Gabriel and Castiel are saying their vows when the doors are thrown open and Becky marches in demanding that the ceremony stop because Becky is in love with Castiel and cannot let them marry Gabriel. Does Castiel go back to Becky or stay with Gabriel?

He'd probably stay with Gabriel. Or maybe Gabriel suggests a threesome and Becky joins them at the altar. I dunno.

3) Dean has a phobia that involves Sam. What is the phobia?

Probably the Sam-dying-again-phobia.

4) Crowley and Chuck are having a movie marathon night. What movie does Crowley pick and what movie does Chuck pick? Is Chuck happy with Crowley's pick and vice versa?

I...have absolutely no idea on this one. :/ I kind of want to say Kiss Kiss Bang Bang for Crowley and the Lord of the Rings for Chuck, but I dunno. ^^; (They'd probably end up watching whatever Crowley picks, anyway.)

5) God is in an unhappy relationship with Michael and realizes that he/she should be with Gabriel instead.

I...could see this happening, actually.

6) Jess is pregnant with Crowley's baby. How does Castiel react?

Initially, probably something along the lines of "OMGDEMONSPAWNSMITE!!!" then decides he really can't kill and unborn child and then the kid kinda grows on him and he becomes it's godfather. IDK.

7) Does Jess handle commitments well?

Er, yeah? We really didn't see that much of her, but I'd like to think so. :)

8) If Chuck suffered from a mental disorder what would that disorder be?

Schizophrenia. :P

9) Sam sees Michael with Lucifer and knows that Lucifer is involved with Bobby. Does Sam tell Bobby that Lucifer is cheating or does Bobby deserve to find out on their own?

He'd probably tell, because he's a nice guy like that. (Also, Lucifer/Bobby? WFT list?)

10) Becky is set up, by God, on a blind date with Dean. Does the date go smoothly, and has Becky decided that he/she wants to kill God before the date has ended?

Dean probably tries to escape multiple times, Becky talks way too much and God gets out unscathed. Unless Dean finds out.

11) Gabriel and Jess have been dating for a year. Where does Gabriel choose to pop the question?

Probably somewhere like the moon, with the earth floating right above them.

12) Crowley wants to end their relationship with Castiel. How does Crowley choose to do so? Heartbroken Castiel has a one night stand with Jess.

He probably grabs all his stuff, leaves a polite note and is never seen again. And Jess would be totally cool about all of this. Poor Cas. :(

13) Becky and Chuck married. How does Chuck handle Becky's death?

Ooh. Not well. He probably retreats into himself and becomes an actual hermit and dies of alcohol poisoning at some point. :/

14) If there was one thing Dean could change about their life what would it be?

Ooh, tough one. Uh, probably the whole nursery incident (which really means Mary's deal with Azazel).

15) If Castiel could say anything to God what would they say?


16) A drunken Lucifer comes home and finds Sam in bed with Becky. How does Lucifer react?

I'm tempted to say that he leers and climbs in with them, but he'd probably go all territorial on Becky's ass. :/

17) Is a sweet love scene between Bobby and Crowley possible?

Oh, definitely. ;)

18) Dean and Michael are bitter rivals. What made them rivals?

Probably the fact that Michael keeps asking to use Dean's body as a meatsuit. :P

19) Is a happily ever after possible for Sam and Chuck?

Uhm. BRB fetching brain bleach. No comment.

20) Michael undergoes a gender-swap. Who would he/she sleep with first? Bobby or Castiel?

Castiel. I think I've had enough Michael/Bobby for now. :P

21) If Dean had to be stuck on a island with Gabriel or Jess which would Dean choose? Why?

Er. Probably Gabriel, since Gabe can snap up all sorts of things, like pie.

22) Sam and Gabriel are romantically involved when Sam's original love, Becky returns from the dead. How does Sam handle the person's return?

LOL FOREVER. XD Uh, seriously, he's probably incredibly awkward and embarrassed and unsure of everything. ^^;

23) Crowley is forced to choose who will live between Jess and Bobby. Which one does Crowley choose to live?

Bobby. See the sweet love scene question. <3

24) Dean falls in love with Lucifer. When Dean gets the opportunity to be with Lucifer he/she is happy... until he/she finds out that Lucifer is only using him/her to get close to Gabriel.

Aww. Dean'd be crushed until Gabriel suggests a threesome. :3 *is totally not contriving happy endings for most of these*

type:meme, keywords:onlinespncon

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