So I woke up this morning to go to the bathroom, and as I'm stumbling back to bed,
smoagendash comes up outside my door. "Stephanie? Thanks so much for posting that video to your journal. It was hysterical. You HAVE to post it to the pandemonium_bks community. People have got to see this. But get some more sleep first." So I got some more sleep, and here is the posting.
Quick summary for you; Christopher Judge of SG-1 at Dragon*Con having to be told what a Furry is.
It is completely work safe (unless, as a friend of mine said, your work has a thing against people laughing uncontrollably in the middle of the day), but do not be drinking anything. Should you have issues with the laughter, I found (since I watched it at 1am, and didn't want to wake up Tyler), shoving your fist in your mouth helps.
(btw, should you be worried, at least two friends of mine who are furries have seen this on my page and thought it was hysterical.)