Title: The Power of Orange Knickers
Rating: PG-13, sexual innuendo
Pairings: Tonks/Luna, Tonks/Luna/Pansy/Hermione, (Luna/Ginny)
Summary: Who said good deeds couldn’t be fun?
Word Count: 2000
My first try at femslash, and rather cracktastic. *g* Title and some metaphors are inspired by the Tori Amos Song of the same title.
There was something about wearing day-glo orange knickers... )
Comments 2
"Tonks grinned. “Yes, confusing innocent straight girls is a favorite hobby of mine.”
“You’re quite accomplished in that department, then.”
“Thank you kindly.” Tonks doffed her hat and spun on her toes, managing not to trip over the bar stool. “If you’d like to be confused further-or perhaps to straighten thing out, so to speak, in your mind, the offer is extended.”"
LMAO!!! That was great! I highly approve.
As for the rest...one little typo *goes to find it* Ah, there it is: "she curled up easily between Tonks and Luna, one hand sliding across each of their back" Backs...plural ( ... )
Yeah, the typo...this was getting really late and my brain was fogging, LOL. Thanks for pointing that out.
And yeah, this fic is pretty AU...I just threw being serious out the window, LOL. There are so many fics of all the male characters being at muggle clubs and shagging afterwards, so this is kind of a parody/other side of the story thing.
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