Regarding the old saying "It never rains but it pours", is there a corresponding expression for how good things also tend to happen in clumps? And if not, might I suggest "It never rainbows but it super-rainbows
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Quite off-topic from this post, I suppose, but nevertheless, I have:
a) questions of a random nature! being: do you tend to participate in internet chat-type things? or are you sane in your procrastination, do you use your umich email on a regular basis or do you prefer a gmail/other one (I occasionally bizarrely expect many people to be as weird as I am in the ways I am)?
in the spirit of, I guess I could've emailt you this, but I figure this works too for such a thing - thought you would enjoy, if you hadn't heard it already, about which I would not be surprised:
"When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
- C.S. Lewis
Apparently it is a riff off a line from Corinthians, so there's that, and I prefer Wilde to Lewis, but I do think I prefer the way Lewis has put it. Grin.
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How about, "When it rainbows, it looks like a unicorn vomited Lisa Frank"?
I mean, I feel like that's about as good as it gets.
a) questions of a random nature! being: do you tend to participate in internet chat-type things? or are you sane in your procrastination, do you use your umich email on a regular basis or do you prefer a gmail/other one (I occasionally bizarrely expect many people to be as weird as I am in the ways I am)?
in the spirit of, I guess I could've emailt you this, but I figure this works too for such a thing - thought you would enjoy, if you hadn't heard it already, about which I would not be surprised:
"When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
- C.S. Lewis
Apparently it is a riff off a line from Corinthians, so there's that, and I prefer Wilde to Lewis, but I do think I prefer the way Lewis has put it. Grin.
I have been known to internet-chat upon occasion! My gmail/gchat name is codenamepancake.
And dayum, C.S. Lewis knows what he is talking about there! Well-said, now-deceased man. Well-said. And well-quoted, presently-alive friend!
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