"Community" - Flash Forward - PG-13

Feb 20, 2012 23:02

On October 6th, the planet blacked out for two minutes and seventeen seconds.
The whole world saw the future.

It had been a normal afternoon for the study group. Jeff had his feet up on the empty spot at the table, half listening while the rest of the group acted out their minor drama, when the world suddenly went black.

“Jeff, you're not suppose to be here!”

“There's always a loophole, Aurora.” Jeff heard himself say.

Why can't I see anything?

Jeff felt a pair of hands touch his chest, taking off his shirt, but then he was being pushed backwards. Before he could totally freak out something soft broke his fall - a bed? - then the hands were back, along with lips, a tongue and, hell yes, breasts.

Okay, still can't see anything, but this isn't bad.

Jeff woke up with a start and looked around the room. Britta had slid out of her chair and was stuck between it and the table, Pierce, who had fallen off his stool, was moaning, but everyone else seemed okay.

While Troy and Shirley helped Pierce and Abed was getting Britta out from the table, Jeff turned to Annie, “Are you okay?”

“I'm... I'm fine.” she said.

“Are you sure?” Jeff reached a hand out to touch her arm, “You look like you're about to puke.”

Annie pulled her arm away, “I think Pierce may have broken something.”

Classes had been suspended for two weeks after the blackout. Their anthropology professor had been one of the countless people who died that day, but Annie still found herself in the Study Group room at the library.

“Oh, Annie.” Shirley pulled her into a hug, “I'm so sorry about your parents.”

Her dad was coming back from a business trip and her mom had driven to the airport to met him the day of the blackout.

“Thank you.”

Troy and Abed walked into the room and took their normal seats, then Abed looked to his left, “Did you see the post on Britta's facebook?”

Annie nodded. Britta had taken off to help the Red Cross and was currently working in L.A.

“Abed. Troy. Shirley.” Jeff strolled into the room, “Milady.” He kissed her cheek before sitting down and Annie cursed herself for letting it affect her.

“Pierce told me last week.” Troy said, “ He didn't see anything.”

Annie felt like someone had punched her, word had quickly spread about those who hadn't seen anything. The ones who would be dead two years from now.

“It really shook him up.” Troy continued, “So he was planing a train trip to see his all of his ex-wives and step-children.”

Shirley smiled, “That's nice.”

The one question everyone in the world was asking was, “What did you see?” and Jeff felt like he was caught in some weird limbo.

“Mine was nice. I was in the kitchen with my boys,” Shirley said. “Only they were bigger, and it wasn't the kitchen we have now, it was much nicer. I was making a really fancy cake.”

Abed was even more subdued then normal as he said, “I was on-set, talking to Edward Norton about character motivation. But it wasn't cool like I thought. I was annoyed because I needed to be somewhere else and he kept asking me questions.”

“Awe man, I know where you needed to be! I was at an awesome party. I mean, it was off the hook.” Troy explained, “But I wasn't partying, I was looking for you and Jeff.”

“Well, two years from now, don't bother looking for me.” Jeff answered, “Really. Don't.”

“Jeff man, you didn't see this party....”

“I didn't see anything. Not like Pierce.” He quickly added, “I had a flash forward, and what I heard and felt were all kinds of awesome. I just didn't see anything.” It could have been a flash forward or it could have been the soundtrack to any one of the random hook ups he'd had.

“Oh, Jeff.” Shirley sniffed a few times, “That's so sad.”

“Ah, don't worry about me.” He said with a shrug, “We still haven't heard from Annie.”

Annie blushed and looked at the floor as she answered, “I was just getting ready to go to bed.”

Part 2

fanfiction: wip, fandom: community, rating: pg-13

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