NineWorlds 2014 writeup

Aug 13, 2014 12:09

Despite having had the last couple of days off, I hadn't managed a NineWorlds writeup yet. That I basically went *plonk* on Monday is part of the reason, but hey, here I am now. When you look at the list of stuff I did, you may understand. Also, this is probably missing many things I can't remember. Note to self: write notes ( Read more... )

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palfrey August 13 2014, 13:28:26 UTC
Indeed! I wasn't there last year, but after the levels of *squee* from my assorted friends lists, I signed up for this year immediately afterwards. I've also already signed up for next year :)

There are a great many people I've lost contact with over the last few years, even those living in London. I suppose that's somewhat a factor of life (as always) moving on and my life being rather crowded making it harder to catch up with folks once I lose regular contact. Things like Nine Worlds help a bit, as I ran into various people there (and met some new ones, which never helps...).

OTOH, I am every so often trying to fix this and part of me is idly considering bits of US-based cons in the next year... Too many things are up in the air at the moment, but maybe...


hairyears August 13 2014, 19:12:28 UTC
NineWorlds is made of equal parts of Win and Squeeee.


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