Putting my money where my mouth is: Voting on the Digital Economy Bill

Mar 30, 2010 21:58

So, most of you have probably heard about the Digital Economy Bill, and how it's massively fucked up. Various of you have been campaigning, going to demos, writing to MPs, the whole nine yards. I've decided something I'm going to do about this: I will base my voting for the next election entirely on the Digital Economy bill, and how potential MPs/parties deal with it. So, my voting criteria is 3 categories:
  1. What does the potential MP do? - have they publically opposed the bill? Did they vote against it?
  2. What does the party do? - has their party publically opposed the bill? What was the recommendation of their leadership regarding voting
  3. Existing political preferences - if there's nothing else (unlikely) I'll vote according to other issues
So, I will initially choose my vote only from candidates in category 1, proceed to category 2 if there's nothing obvious, and only then to category 3. This is more of a template for these types of voting decision than something explicit for here, given the major parties all having a position and some having some level of opposition (although I will go with actions, not words, as the words in opposition have been contradictory and rather half-hearted).

This will be my *only* criteria. If the crazy bastard George Galloway (being one of the candidates for the local seat this time around) is the only category 1 MP, then I will bite my tongue and vote for him. Who's with me?
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