Well, even though most of you read my stuff on ff.net already, I know that at least one of you doesn't, so I'm just gonna throw some of my fics on here. Extra exposure is nice... so is getting picked up by the
femslash_today LJ.
So, here we go...
Title: Where Do We Go From Here?
Pairing: Palex
Rating: Hm... well, there's no sex, persay, so hows about a PG-13?
Spoilers: LoL
Summary: Just fluff and drama in the first few days of their relationship
A/N: This takes place immediately following the end of LoL part 2 and disregards everything else that happened in following episodes. Also, my first Palex fic... and the sign that I had a brand new obsession that would soon rival all the others. Also, in my opinion, my weakest Palex fic. Praise, flames, and especially concrit are all very much welcome.
"Right now, you’re pretty much everything," said Paige, taking Alex's hand in her own.
They didn't have long to stare into one another's eyes. The sound of bass from another apartment began to shake the walls and floors. Alex sighed. Then came laughter from her own apartment - it was a happiness she couldn't appreciate and wanted no part of. "Let's get out of here," she said.
They held hands all the way to a nearby park. It was nearly deserted, quiet, and the perfect place to just sit and talk in comfort. As the darkness grew tangible, making the length of time spent together so very apparent, Paige perked up. "This is kinda like our first date. Well, you know, together. And knowing about our togetherness."
Alex turned to face Paige, straddling the bench, and smiled. "Do you want to go out on a real date? Like, dinner and movie?"
"That would be nice. Anywhere but our movie theatre though. Last time I tried that, Meeri stole me for a shift."
"Alright. We'll go to the one on the other side of town. And I'll pay. For all of it."
"You don’t have to."
"I want to."
"You should keep your money, instead of wasting it on me."
"Hardly a waste. And I can afford it. I'm not that poor."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course."
Paige seemed thoughtful for a moment. "Does this mean I take you out next time? It's so weird not always being the recipient."
"You can if you want. Probably be a good idea, 'cause I have a feeling that you are one expensive date. I may not be able to afford you."
Paige smirked and looked down at her lap.
"It's late," said Alex, getting up. "I'll walk you to the bus stop."
"Have you studied for tomorrow's test?" asked Paige on the way.
"Wasn’t planning on it. We should talk about tomorrow though."
"About what's going to happen when we get to school?" asked Paige, looking down at her fingers interlocked with Alex's.
"About if you are really ready to not care what other people think. Because as wonderful as this day has become, it didn't start out this way. Got pretty crappy too, if I remember right."
"Best behavior tomorrow," promised Paige in her bubbly demeanor.
"Not just that... whatever that means. No more messing with my emotions, ok? If this is real now," she said, holding up their hands, "then it’s got to be real tomorrow."
"I understand. I'll meet you on the front steps tomorrow morning and we'll walk in just like this."
"Really?" asked Alex, looking vulnerable for a split-second.