Starting Over

Aug 17, 2006 09:43

Title: Starting Over Pt.15
Fandom: Degrassi TNG
Pairing: Alex/Paige
Rating: PG
A/N: OK everyone the final part in this little episode of their life.
Hope everyone has enjoyed. And thanks to everyone who has commented. For me this was an experiment in doing a long piece. I don't think it turned out to bad. And who knows I may come back to them later.

Paige found herself laughing at Alex's stupid joke's. Alex found herself telling more stupid jokes just to hear her laugh.

They were more relaxed with each other than they had been in a long time. What they had learned about each other while having lunch together was nothing compared to what Justin managed to get out of them.

He had them talking about high school. How they had met. The months they had dated. The fight they had when Alex had told Paige she had enlisted in the Army. Paige talked about meeting Scott. Then marrying him.

By the time they had left Marco and Justin, they both knew they were on their way to forgiving each other.

Paige thought to herself that she needed to remember to call Marco and have him thank Justin for her. She was glad she had told Alex yes about tonight. It had been better than she had thought it would be.

Alex knew the night had ended better than it had started out. Paige wasn't so rigid with her now. She was talking a little more freely. So was Alex. She wasn't examining everything she said before she said it. And she knew that even though they both would never admit it, this had been a date. And not a bad one either. Before she knew it Paige was pulling in to her drive.



"Thank you for tonight."

"Don't need to thank me. I had a nice time too."

Paige turned to look at Alex.

"We really screwed things up back then. Didn't we?"

"We were young Paige. Not that we're old now," she said quickly noticing the look on Paige's face.

Alex reached out and put her hand on Paige's. She tried not to think about how it felt to touch Paige again.

"We were both trying to do something new Paige. Neither one of us had really ever had a long term adult relationship. We were bound to screw up the first one. And maybe the second and third ones too."

"I never wanted to lose you as a friend Alex."

"I know. We just didn't have enough experience to work pass our stubbornness."

"Can we work pass it now?"

Alex removed her hand from Paige's and opened the car door and got out.

"I don't know Paige.Maybe," she said looking over the roof of the car.

The front door to Paige's house opened and a small bundle of childish energy came running out.

"Momma,Momma your home."

Paige scooped A.J. up as he ran and jumped into her arms.

"What are you doing up? Your supposed to be in bed asleep."

Alex just stood and stared at Paige and her son. She could here the laughter in Paige's voice.

"Granna said I could wait for you," said A.J. then he noticed Alex and turned in Paige's arms to look at her."Who you."

Alex smiled and laughed a little.

"I'm Alex a friend of your mom's."

"My names Alex too. Alex James. Right momma," said A.J. as he looked back at his mother.

"Right hun. Alex James it is."

Alex was surprised and at a loss for words. Why had Paige named her son Alex. Why had she never thought to ask Paige what A.J. stood for.

"Hey hun, why don't you run back to your Granna. I'll be up in a little bit to tuck you in."

"OK," then turning to Alex."Nice meet you."

"You too A.J." God his face lit up just like Paige's did when he smiled. Then he was off running back toward the house.

"Alex," started Paige.

"Paige why?"

"Scott and I were having problems when A.J. was born. I guess we always had problems though. I just missed you Alex. I wanted you to be there with me so bad. And when I looked into his eye's I knew my prayer's had been answered. His eye's where so much like yours, I just couldn't help naming him after you. And like you he's always made me smile and laugh."

"He has your smile you know that," said Alex as she moved to stand in front of Paige."It lights his whole face up."

Alex didn't know if she was doing the right thing. But it felt right.

"Alex," Paige's breathe caught in her throat as Alex moved even closer to her. She was so close now that she could feel the heat of Alex's body.

"Why didn't you try to find me Paige?"

"I thought you hated me."

"I could never hate you. Not like you. But never hate you."

"What are we doing Alex?"

"I don't know yet."

"I'm glad you asked me out tonight Alex."

"It wasn't a date. Remember Paige."

"Wasn't it."

"I thought you had wanted more time to just be with A.J."

"I do. I did. I don't know."

Paige put her arms around Alex. Then hugged her while laying her head on Alex's shoulder.

"I don't want to ruin the friendship were trying to rebuild."

"Nothing to do with life has a guarantee. You know that." Alex wrapped her arms around Paige and returned the hug.

"Is it to late for us to start over Alex. Have we waited to long?"

"Don't know."

"Do you,"Paige stopped unable to finish. She couldn't bring herself to know Alex's answer.

Alex leaned back from Paige so she could look into her eye's. She saw how scared Paige was and wondered if her eye's showed the same fear. Moving one of her hands she placed it on Paige's cheek. Paige leaned into the touch.

"I've never stopped loving you Paige," Alex leaned forward and gently brushed her lips across Paige's.

The touch of Alex's lips on hers caused her to moan. She looked deep into Alex's eye's. Even if they couldn't make it work, she had to try. She owed it to Alex. To herself. Leaning forward she kissed Alex back. Not the gentle kiss Alex had given her, but one to let Alex know she was willing to try again. Had to try again. The kiss seemed to go on forever.

When they broke the kiss Alex pulled Paige even closer to her.

"So Paige, does this mean we're dating again?"

"Yes, it does."

Alex smiled. She was right where she had always wanted to be. And this time she was going to get it right.

"So what are you doing tomorrow Paige?"

"Not much."

"How 'bout I take you and A.J. to the Park. I'll even buy lunch."

"That would be nice."


"Yeah hun."

"I'm glad you came back."

They just stood there holding each other for what seemed like an eternity.

"You should probably get in to A.J.,"said Alex as she slowly let go of Paige.

"Yeah he gets cranky when he's not tucked in right."

"Like mother, Like son."

Paige smiled at Alex. Alex quickly leaned forward and kissed Paige. Then headed for her car. Before getting in she looked over at Paige.

"I'll call you tomorrow about 11a.m."

"OK Alex. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Paige,"Alex got in her car and drove away.

When Paige walked into the house she met her mother in the hallway.

"So this was not a date?"

"No mom, that's tomorrow," said Paige as she walked up the stairs to tuck her son in. As she fell asleep that night she thought of Alex and dreamed of starting over.


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